Deleted second path to runway, leading to "Could not find holding point"

I was upgrading my taxiways where I used to have a “loop” where at the end of my runway, there would be a holding point then a taxiway to the stands. At the end of the stands, I would loop the taxiway back to the runway and connect it there.

I deleted this second path to the runway, leaving only one taxiway with one holding point. When I did this, it seemed that the GA planes sitting in their stands did not like this. They began reporting no holding point near the runway, even though I definitely had one (see below).

I tried all sorts of things, from toggling the holding point to redrawing the grass taxiway nearest the stands. Nothing would make the alerts go away. Then I restarted the game. Upon returning, everyone seemed happy:

As you’ll also probably notice, it looks like the game decided to start drawing some taxiway navigation points on the runway when I reloaded. Methinks there’s a bug in the path generation/finding algorithm where it wasn’t properly refreshing when I removed some taxiway or added/removed holding points?

Do you even have TAXIWAY under your nodes atm?

Yeah, it was a grass taxiway. I was actually going to make another topic complaining about that, because it’s hard to tell if you have grass-related things sometimes. It would be nice if they were textured in a way that showed they were being used, unless there’s already a feature where they show wear and tear over time?

What if you F10, “reset aircraft paths”… know you sometimes have to reset paths a lot of times, until the “lost” plane has taken off.

It’s not bugging out at the moment, but if I see it again I’ll give it a try. I’m sort of wondering why paths aren’t automatically generated though, or will they be at a later time? It seems like the game could be able to establish paths down taxiways to runways and stands.

Experienced the same problem and the classic save an load solved the problem.

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