Each contract would still have it’s own logo.
I didn’t know that.
These mods are my first in ACEO.
Ohh like a mod package? But still you need to sign a contract with each of them;
01 yellow background-black written Left Arrow
10 yellow background-black written numbers (0-9)
10 yellow background-black written letters (A-K)
x2 with black background and yellow written = 42 contracts at least.
@humoresque @Hap0vecXD do you think such an arrow is possible to be used?
Unicode Arrows → (129144 U1f878)
“🡸 🡺 🡹 🡻 🡼 🡽 🡾 🡿”
We need only one arrow for 4 angles. (bcs we can rotate objects )
So we need one arrow for 90°s angles and second arrow for 45°s angles.
That would be so great to have
Awesome ~ now learn the group traffic agents to navigate with them
Do you use white aircrafts in the 1 plane mods? I guess when Auto Planner is active, those flights will be scheduled.
It would actually be great to have this as additional kind of “Business”-Mod in the game similar as the airport logos. Just placeable logos and pictures, nothing else.
Yes, I do. There’s no other option.
I agree.
@Fredrik @Olof @Alexander what do you guys think of it? Maybe a very simplistic “eye-candy object addition into the game” wouldn’t be harmful
This is brilliant!
Please add them!! They seem so simple
I missed a lot here… Are airlines the only thing that provide logos?
No, but there’s no a limit of airline concrats.
Airlines are the only contracts with placeable logos. Except the main airport logo.
Are you guys going to add each digit and each letters?
Also a crazy idea: White signs for grass taxiway strip
I am not doing any work here! Give Hap0vecXD the credit. All I did was to get the idea around and get it going
Yes, I’m going to add every single latter and numbers 0-9!
Uhm, I don’t think so, but we’ll see.
I saw on discord just now, what about having no planes in the airline, (sorry if this is already done) thus the autoplanner would not try and use planes from the airline cuz it has no planes in the first place