Alright. I’m sorry if this seems monotonous or confusing, that’s not my plan.
Staff Parking
I know we had discussed staff before, and stated that they’d come in as needed. I believe that goes with desk agents etc… Is this correct? If this is the case, will we be able to designate a certain area for staff to park at? Can we separate all staff parking from passenger parking?
Staff Rooms
I think this was brought up as well, but will there be staff lounges? Crew Lounges? Break rooms? Stuff kinda like that?
Other Staff
I’m curious about this as well. I recall the mention of flight crews, gate agents, etc, but will we be seeing security? Customer service agents? Bus drivers?
Staff Functions
Will we see staff performing multiple functions, or only the ones they’re hired for? Will we see Flight Crews leaving for a layover, and returning? Will we see security handling an issue? Will we see Gate agents trying to settle down passengers if a plane is late?
Passenger Behavior
Will we see passengers getting irate at a late plane, or upset at missing the flight? Will we see passengers drive in and park, only to come back and leave from a car again?
Passenger Waits and Boarding
The mention of lounges had come up, so will we get to see passengers waiting in lounges or restaurants? Will we see them board in specific groups or zones?
Aircraft Maintenance
Will we have to watch the conditions of aircraft? For instance, will we have to set up de-icing stations? Will we have to ensure that runway conditions are safe for the aircraft?
Aircraft Behavior
I’ve noticed that weather has been updated. This goes along with the de-icing, but will we see tailwinds on the aircraft? Will we see bounces (plane hits the runway a little too hard and bounces)? Will we see things like engine fire etc?
Plane Swaps
Will we see plane swaps, maintenance swaps, crews moving from one plane to another? Will we see planes trying to be brought in to replace a flight that’s supposed to leave in say 20 minutes?
Aircraft Sizes In Relation to Flight Crew airc
Obviously most flights have 2 pilots (Captain and First Officer) but will we see Flight engineers on larger aircraft? Will we see only the 2 on smaller? Will we see proper flight attendant amounts in each plane, for instance 1 flight attendant on a CRJ200 compared to 2 on a CRJ700 or CRJ900, or even 3 on the A321 etc? Will we see replacement flight crew on international flights?
Plans and Building
Building Sizes
Will we have size LIMITS as far as how big something has to be, or a minimum of how small it can be? Will we be able to change that by placing up ropes etc if we have to remodel?
Building Patterns
Would we be able to use a planning tool to basically create patterns or ideas we think will work? If not, will it all be as we go?
Object Placements
For instance, queue lines, will we be able to split one line into 2 into 4? Maybe like traffic control? Will we be able to (as mentioned) set up ropes to control where traffic will go, not just for queue lines? When I was in Atlanta, Security Checkpoint was so busy that they had ropes on either side of the escalators to get people ready for the security checkpoint, almost like keeping them in line and directing them. Would we also be able to station staff in certain areas to direct passengers?
I know this is a lot of questions, but I’m genuinely curious!
I still can’t wait to see the baggage video and the beginning to end video! SO EXCITED!