Create own shops

Hello ,

I download some shops in Steam. took the folder from Steam workshop folder and shift it to the To the native directory:
C:\Users{USERNAME}\AppData\Roaming\Apoapsis Studios\Airport CEO\Mods

My idea is that I can create own shops. (Saale like for aircraft). But in the game the sop will not appear. is this not possible?

Thank you Kevin

Some more infos would help.
The mod you copied is working without your changes?
Do you use the same folder structure as the original?
Can you show the mod.jason of your creation?

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Did you follow the official instructions as part of the MDK?

If you copy from steam, you need to edit noddata.json and clear the both id fields


Thanks to all, it works. It only take some minutes until it appears :slight_smile: I thought it will directly appear. Thank you for great support!

I online found a introduction for Airline moddings :slight_smile:

From directory side ist Fine. Only trouble i have is with the product png. Is there a Limit factor of the Resolution and size ?

I made long time ago a products list but just for restaurants, so it is with out pictures but I would always recommend 256x256px, works with almost everything in ACEO.

You can also check one of @dawed products mod

Does the price per unit for product influence the buy intention of an pax ? Is there a limit ?
I can not found advises inside the readme of the modding kit I downloaded :slight_smile:


There is no limit but the whole system is really tricky… And category are only 0 - 3
0 = very cheap
3 = luxury

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