Checkin counters number depends of contracts

So… I have a question… I dont know if my problem is a bug or im lack of counters…

This is my airport, 33 comercial stands, 9 cargo bays (3-4 stands per bay), 6 medium SC for pax and 3 for emplyees and also 33 checkin counters

And here goes the problem, I dont like use all the stand at the same time so I alternate ones and others using a little more than half of the stands but when airplanes arrives to the airport not all of them have bags to load, the pax of those planes have the bag with them, like if I didnt have a baggage sys…

I know that some contracts needs 2 counter but the question is Do I need an oversized checkin zone always??? or is a bug??


I think you need 66 check-in desks.

For me it would make more sense if check in desks would not connect to cargo bays and just would autosort into the system.

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That will be no realistic because in real life checkin counters are connect to a cargo bay in allmost all airports, but one counter can check more than one flight… I think that will be the next step for the game

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At schiphol airport a check-in Desk is not connected to a bay, the checkin is connected to the main terminal main flow belt.

I think they are usually not attached to one baggage bay. As jasperwillem pointed out, at big airports they use complex baggage systems where all checkin counters are connected to. Then the system sorts the baggage so that it is guided to a baggage bay, but it does not depend on the counter. For one flight the baggage of counter 1 goes to bay A, and for another flight it may go to baggage bay B.

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