Change Bus leave Remote stand


In THE Forum i read about problem with remote stand and departure of bus. How can that be fix ?

I have the same issue. Airplane finished. Bus is waiting, waiting and start 1 hour before departure. Always to late.

This problem exist since years.
Will this not fixed ?

Best regards

Can you share your savegame to the Workshop and link it here? May I can check what could block the process.

I do have more than 20 remote stands of all sizes and they all depart.

Do you provide service round? If yes, is this completed?

Thanks a lot. All services are finished. How I can upload a save to steam ?

I found it :slight_smile:

Hope you can help. Also The Bus Need Long at the stand until he stop.

sorry for waiting, wasn’t able to play until today.

They are really a bit late. But I had one plane only with 30 min delay. I see that when all passengers are in the bus, it takes a moment until it leaves. I have the same on my airport. And the boarding of remote stands doesn’t include the distance a bus has to drive to the stand.

Also not all passengers were boarded, means some where walking around somewhere else at your airport. The entire paths for passengers is very complex. They have to change the floors so often and do many turns. This can have impact on the pathfinding and performance. Depending on hardware.

Other than that, the service agents arrive very late at the boarding desk. At the beginning, passengers only use the self boarding desks. When you optimize that, busses might leave earlier.

Slow and uselass rotation of the bus at the stand: That’s sadly a big issue. :frowning:

So there are only minor things you can try. But the departure time is very similar to my XXL airport. There I keep remote stands a little bit closer to the boarding bus stop and the time gap between two flights is a bit higher.

Other ideas: You can share the same service car stop and same arrival bus stop for multiple stands. Only add more when you see the vehicles jam. :slight_smile:

Else, good mod selection. :+1: :smiley:

Tanks a lot for all the Hints !!

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