Certification rating

My vision of this game includes a FAA or other governmental board certificaiton rating. This rating again affects which airlines, franchises and so on wants to operate at your digs.
Security, cleanliness, number of runways differing orientation and so on should affect this rating, and last but not least, Fire crew response time.
To meet said requirements for the different kind of ratings, you have to either experience an incident (but that will also greatly damage your rating for some time), or run regular drills to ensure you have the needed facilities and so on.

I even have taken the time to make a suggested list of rating-points

1 - General Aviation/recreational/private airstrip
-requires ATC-tower, and signed contract with emergency response services (minimum)
2 - Touch & Go commercial airstrip
- requires all of the above, security checkpoint, check in desk, ramp agents, gate and boarding desk
3 - Regional Airport
- Requires all of the above, In-house fire department, refueling services, baggage handling, avg cleanliness above X,
info desk
4 - Domestic/National Airport
- Requires all of the above, emergency response time below X (before incident is resolved during drill), info screens - visible throughout x% of your airport, intercom system, Baggage security scanners (basic and advanced), Aircraft - - - maintenance facilities
5 - International Airport
- Requires all of the above, Customs, Passport control, immigrations representative office(works as franchise),
Emergency response time below X, In-house medical emergency crew stationed, At least two runways,
Baggage security (manual station), A secure and separate international zone.
6 - Continental HUB
- requires all of the above with international contracts satisfaction above x, passenger flow pr week above x, tax free

All of these 6 points should be freely divided into subratings (star rating) so that if you are rated a category 5 airport you need to reach 5 stars before being able to be upgraded to the next category, certification takes place once a year. In addition if you over, let’s say 2 years fall short of complying with the requirements of your current rating after dropping to 1 star, you’ll get demoted.

This will really pose a challenge, and i’d love to see it in game. This means that you can quickly build a large airport, but will never be done tweaking it for optimum safety and efficiency. Requirements and stricktness should be adjustable through difficulty-settings, or disabled for those who want a “zen” experience.


That actually sounds like a great idea! :slight_smile:

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+1 on this, and love the drills idea :smiley:

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Yeah, the drills really got me going aswell.

When i did my time in the military i actually participated in a couple of drills at the airport next to our camp. Actually cool stuff, but scary as hell

I agree on the drills, though strangely I’ve seen … scouts (around the teenage level, so roughly… Eagle Scouts) helping with airport security for awhile …

On the point of rating, then, it simply breaks down into

  • Operations
  • Personnel
  • Security

I think that the star rating should also affect the amount of subsidies/tax breaks the government gives to you.

Rating Security would require an algorithm to test it.

TBH, I’d wanted to use S&S (Safety and Security) since they’re both different aspect, but for some reason I’m always stuck with the term EHS&S used by my old company (Environment, Health, Safety & Security).

Yeah it needs some sort of algorithm. It can also easily be done with a lookup scanning for required services, giving each of them a score. Scores are summed up and this gives you a total score that affects your rating.

You might create a mission system/storyline to gradually progress from recreational to international hub.

Like the “grants”-system in PA ?

Yes, something like that.

@Olof should definetly see this to give him some ideas or just steal the whole lot!!!

Great Idea! That would be interesting if It is added in the game :slight_smile:

@Olof and @Fredrik are welcome to steal this idea. Actually, i encourage it

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