Can't unlock shops in procurement

I just started a new world and I hired a strategy director and a COO, which should allow me to unlock shops. But my procurement list still doesn’t show the option to do so.

How can I unlock it now? Or have I missed something?

Mhmm, Procurement Director? :wink:


Me to can’t unlock shop …please help me…i love this game

Please tell me how to unlock shop upgrade …i don’t see this objective

If you do not see Franchise Shops nor Cafees in the R&D menu, you need to hire Procurement Director and then Strategy Director to unlock them. Go to Staff menu, section Executives. Note, that they may not appear right away on the candidate list. At the beginning of the game I had only COO, CIO and CFO.

You do need a commercial license to be able to hire the rest of your board

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Ok, sorry. Wasn’t sure