Can't Place Node on Taxiway

I have a line of small stands where I can’t place nodes on the taxiway. I have removed the stands, removed the taxiway, replaced them both, and the issue persists.

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I’ve had that issue to, save and reload solved it. Tried that?

I’ve got the same issue. Saving, reloading and multiple deletions and rebuilds of both the service road and taxiway node hasn’t resolved the issue.

Steam screenshot

Edit: I think the problem stems from building service roads before building taxiway and even when bulldozing both it’s considering the location ineligible for taxiway nodes. Whereas if you build the taxiway first, with nodes, and then build a service road over it you’re usually safe.

I’m having the same problem. Saving and reloading doesn’t fix it

Same story here. Theres one row of taxiway that doesn’t allow placement of the node.

You probably still have the secure zoning on it as the service road was secured right? That gives an issue as taxiways can’t be zoned.

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Found the issue in my case. There was an underground conveyor belt going under that specific location. Removed the conveyor belt and I could place the node. Don’t know if it was intended to be that way or if it’s a bug.