[Bug] copying baggage claim => baggage elevator connects to wrong floor


when copying a baggage claim area including a baggage elevator, the elevator connects to the wrong floor. In my case, the baggage area was on the ground floor, and the elevator connected to the floor -1. The copy of the baggage area connected the elevator to floor +1.


Can you file a bug report and write the number here please? :slight_smile:

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Hello humoresque,

the bug report number is ACEO-42061.


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Just wanted to ask if you were able to reproduce the bug report :slight_smile:


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Hi, I am not part of the game dev team so I don’t have access to it… The only reason I put that there is because I know the devs need it. :slight_smile:

But, I can try to reproduce it on my own

Ah, sorry :smiley:

Oh, okay. I thought the description itself is enough.

That would be nice, just as a verification of what I’ve observed.

Thank you.


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We unfortunately could not reproduce this bug given the data in that report. Could perhaps explain in more detail here how exactly we can reproduce it?

Same thing happened to me. I copied a baggage claim with a down elevator and when i pasted 4 new ones it had an elevator that went up a level instead of down a level.

Can you drop us a bug report with the screenshot of a baggage setup that we can copy and paste? Am still not able to reproduce this bug… :thinking:

I hope it’s okay when posting the screenshot here. #2 is going upwards, but it is a copy of #1, which goes downwards. On the screenshot, #2 looks at least rotated, but it’s 1:1 copy without rotation (by me).
Did you try it with normal elevator or the speedy one? If I remember correctly, my baggage system is high-speed.

Allright, @Alexander will have the privilege of checking this on Monday… :stuck_out_tongue:

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Okay :joy: Have a nice weekend.


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Technically it copies correct. There are only two types of conveyor floor transitions.

Current Floor → UP-> Upper Floor
Current Floor → DOWN → Lower Floor

When you copy now a baggage conveyor transition, you would need new object types.

Lower Floor → UP → Current Floor
Upper Floor → DOWN → Current Floor

poor pax trying to grab their luggage at high speed :rofl:


Hello @Alexander
I just wanted to ask if you were able to reproduce the issue or need any further informations about it.


Hmmm… I’m not sure if new object types are neccessary. I think it might work if the existing object types are handled special, like placing them above/below the current floor and checking if they’re blocked on those floors.


Hello @Olof ,

just wanted to ask if you were able to reproduce it.


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