I noticed that aircraft were landing and departing during restricted hours. As such, I was penalized. To prevent those penalties, I closed the runway. Planes continued to takeoff and land.
If you close runway while there is a flight in your airport (and you have only 1 runway) that flight will eventually use that runway no matter it is open or close.
Thanks for quick response
Besides the EG0611 remark;
Every pathfinder that is using an object (runway in this case) will always finish the path it had when that path was calculated, even if you close, demolish… etc… objects in its way.
I understand. thank you. It’s a bug. An ATC controller can close a runway and put any flight, inbound or outbound, on HOLD. As the de facto ATC guy, when I close a runway, then it should be non-operational.
I submitted a Atlassian Report as an Improvement vice Bug.
Solution: close airport around 11:50PM (23:50). As Jasperwillem says, some remaining outbound and inbound flights will still occur and may be penalized if after midnight. Reopen around 3:55AM (03:55).
results in no penalties.