Broken vehicles

Does anyone know how to fix broken vehicles?

Did you hire mechanic?

Service technician?
I don’t see mechanics as an option


Airport CEO_2017-11-05_08-02-16

Service technician @ 0 tasks.

Airport CEO_2017-11-05_08-03-08

This is what @Olof suggested: We’re also testing a new vehicles overview panel. To make it work for your existing airports, open the development panel (press F10), scroll down and press the button “Claim all service vehicles”. New purchased service vehicles will be added automatically. Deterioration is not yet simulated and we’re still testing assigning of depots! :slight_smile:


Oh, thx. Only if we could “force reset” a specific vehicle node from this menu :stuck_out_tongue:. Aha, so we now need to name our depots… since we need to assign stuff ;). The “assign list” is not sorted at all atm. Oh, and the filtered list is also not sorted at all :wink:

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