Hey guys. One of my baggage trucks unloaded it’s baggage and stayed at the cargo bay. Backing up most of my baggage trucks. And then another truck gets stuck after the baggage was loaded. They just sit there and Dont return to the depot. It’s screwing up all my flights. Is there a fix for this or do I have to wait for a patch? Thanks
i have the same problem… i tried to save and reload the game, initially it works but then they got stuck again
Images of the issue would help
I used f10 for for the debug and it fixed it once. Thanks! The other time it got stuck and the debug wouldn’t work I saved and reloaded the game and that fixed it.
We are looking into these issues. Will you kindly send is the save so that we can do further tests with it? Send it via the bug reporting form on the website. Thanks.
Hi Olof i sent to you my save file 2 days ago with the same problem… my email is fedus777@gmail.com
All right, great, we have about 700 different reports (or varying urgency) so I just wanted to make sure that you’ve sent it.
Yeah thats fine btw thank you guys very much for the work that you’re doing to fix all these bugs
I’m having this problem regularly, so I’m glad I came here and learned of the F10 debug menu. It was starting to drive me nuts!
I’ll be very happy when this is fixed so we no longer need to use a workaround.
I understand, any save games you can provide us with to recreate the issue you’re having would be great for improving the code.