Baggage Bay Not Accessible After Adding Scanner and Destroyer

By baggage system formerly worked. Then, per the International Airport Tutorial, I added a Scanner and Destroyer. Now, I get the red icon on the Baggage Bay.

  1. Incoming baggage from Checkin, see Blue arrow.
  2. Outgoing baggage to Luggage Carousel , see red arrow

#1 Why do I now have the RED icon indicating luggage can no longer go to Baggage Bay?
#2 What are those GREEN incoming arrows on the bottom of the Scanner? Is there something else I need to attach?

Your secure check is aligned wrong. It is disconnected from the main line.

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There are two incoming lines to the scanner: one on the left, the second below the scanner. I should use the incoming arrows on the below point?

just turn 90 degrees to the right and it will be ok

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@jasperwillem: I just now tried to add a Conveyor Belt at that point; it won’t allow it. It says Position Not Valid.
@hds12: if I turn 90 degrees to right, then my Destroyer will be on top of the belt into the Bay. So, I should use the incoming bottom connect point on Scanner??

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Just turn over and you’ll know how it works right away :wink:

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Like this, red arrow to the destroyer
green arrow incoming
blue arrow is the safe lugage that goes to the bay


@KingBirdy: that’s the setup I show in my image. Now, I’m confused.

The output (red) should end in the destroyer, your GREEN in/out is the main line.

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Just match the arrow on the previous picture to these

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@KingBirdy. Will do.

No sorry uploaded the wrong picture.
Don’t look at your arrows, look at the ones I drew

Thanks to all of you. I feel like a fool.

  1. Gave forum LIKE clicks to you all.
  2. I will now go stand in the corner and burble incoherently to myself.
  3. Next round of beer is on me. Unless you drink those fru-fru drinks, like Appletinis. Then, uh. no.

Haha it’s ok, it can be confussing the first time you build your lugage system :slight_smile:

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Good that you say it yourself, fool ;)! Enjoy your corner.


:rofl: Take it easy!
Baggage handling system is not easy to build at all.
And about beer … good idea !!!


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