AvianAir - Flying across the globe | for you

Airline Design Contest Submission

Airline Name: AvianAir
Airline Description: AvianAir is a low-cost and independent airline based in the UK. It flies over 5 million a year on 100+ routes, from 20 countries.

The airline launched in 1960 under the name Aviana Airway Services, with a focus on cargo flights. In 2000 the company modernized their image when shifting their main focus on passenger flights and Avian Air was born.

Airline CEO Name: VulcanFox

Airline Design Image:


Wow, I really like those colors and the hue ! Very neat, simple and original at the same time, and I can actually see this in game or heck, in real life ! Amazing job. Cheers.

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Thank you sir! It’s kinda my final design for the competition and I’m putting all my money in this one haha. :smile:

The airline is lightly inspired by an existing airline, you know which one? :wink:

The airline is lightly inspired by an existing airline, you know which one? :wink:


Anyway really nice design but small writing on livery is hardly readable, maybe you should check it out :wink:

Haha no!

I noticed that it’s a bit hard to read from a distance, but real airplanes have text on them too and I can’t always read that from a distance. It’s more for ‘the company slogan is there’ than ‘it should be readable just like the brand name’.

A little detail for the people that zoom in. :smile:

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The airline is lightly inspired by an existing airline, you know which one?

Is it wizz air?

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