I was wondering what is happening here? I’m displaying arrivals and departures and no more arrivals are planned for today. Still aircrafts keep landing…
Your airport has a massive problem. Game shouldn’t allow you to plan departures after 22:00 so it is either delayed aircrafts or a bug. Try to solve the cause of delays then everything will be fine.
Well… Arrivals should display when aircrafts are arriving… Not remove them when they were planned to arrive… The arrival and departure is a tool to be used for gettting an overview of the delays… How can I now see what are delayed and not?
I looked up the schedule on the screenshot… ) I think that night-time ban for the flights is a relic of the past. This ban was actual until about 2005 y. Today all aircraft not so noisy. Besides night-flight restrictions нave a negative impact on the economy of air transport. The recent case where the court banned night flights at Frankfurt airport, caused a great resonance beetwin airlines and German airports, and they intend to appeal the decision…
I would be grateful to developers if they cancel restriction of the night flights, or give the right decision to a players for manual setup mode airport operation time.