Amethyst - Higher Quality for a Better Price

Airline Name: Amethyst

Airline Description: Amethyst is a new carrier with a new image. The well known entrepreneur John Panniacci set the carrier up with a new vision - of a high quality product for a reasonable price. Amethyst is renowned through Britain and the world for its quality and reliability. It operates scheduled services from 6 bases in the UK, and charters flights all around the world. The motto (Amethyst is also a supermarket brand) - higher quality for a better price.

Airline CEO Name: John Panniacci

Airline Design Image:

The Fleet
  • 25 A320ceo
  • 25 A320neo
  • 20 A321ceo
  • 20 A319ceo
  • 15 A350-900
  • 15 A330-300

This actually has a chance, in my eyes. Better than LavendAir anyway… :grinning:

Let me know what you think!


OK, so I redesigned it with white titling on the forward fuselage, and it would be interesting to know which one you (the community) prefers… :slight_smile:

  • Purple Titling on Rear
  • White Tiling on Front
0 voters