Airport restrictions

What about there being a range of restrictions that impact upon how you build your airport or operrates

An example of this may be in your airports early days flights only being allowed to take off and land after 6am…

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I was thinking of this idea to but like slot control where the airport has to buy more slots to get more airlines and aircraft and this will really make you value your contracts so the more money you get the more slots you can buy.

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Normally the Airlines has to buy slots from the Airport. The government will give the Airport a time frame exp. From 06:00 till 23:00 . In this time corridor the Airport can sell those slots.

But i like the idea, that we, as Airport ceo, have to Buy those time frames from the authority :smile:

Or as your airport expands and accepts more airlines you will naturally need more slots…these could come at a cost it it will generate more income for you

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I know that this is an old thread, but it looks like this is implemented in the game! :smiley:

(footage from Early Access Trailer)


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