Airport Designs

Having your security like that with the duty free on the far side means that you’d have to have the same shops in each part so that people can access the right services. Also you’re cutting off 60% of the market for each shop. It might be an idea to move security into the corridor going up to the central node.

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Yea that is something to consider for sure. I am not sure how vendor contracts work, if you can assign the same vendor to more than 1 shop space or not. Each wing has a lot of traffic so I am not super concerned about that, but I was playing around with the central security hub a bit before I posted.

Game needs to release soon so I don’t go crazy making airport designs, need to test these guys out. Anyway, my next iteration is a more compact design with 30 gates, and the airside stuff all in the center. Access across the security zone for both wings just in case certain vendors cannot be replicated, and again facilities and dining for people waiting for baggage claim. This design includes a duel taxiway coming out of the center section so planes shouldn’t have to wait often for an open lane.


Loving the designs mate. Hope to see them all created in game. Your first one was close to something I had in mind!

Thanks, it’s been fun putting thought to paper. I have one more in mind but may not have free time to sketch out before game release.

Love all the designs so far. Many are on similar lines that I was planning. I also planned how to start with the simplest operatable airport and slowly expand from there.
Anyway, here is a point that no one has incorporated yet in the designs.

Check in counters like Heathrow T5. As shown here at around 41:20

I guess it would be as simple as keeping 1-2 tile space between the counters for people to pass. For baggage belt, use 1 tile to transition from above ground belt at check in desk to an underground belt running across the back of all the counters.
May not be the best solution for a large number of counters, but should be quite efficient for smaller number.
Then right behind that would be security and then into the secure zone.

@Thorozar, @thetuque, any chance of a rendering of what that may look like?

Very impressive designs! If you dont’t mind, I’m going to copy some of them for tonight’s build testing…


I have so many designs busying around my head that I may explode! That said I hope you guys release before August 12th… I’ve gotta have something to do on my transatlantic flight haha

Any chance of a screenshot posted of some of the designs in action?

Please do, i took the day off and am working on another too.

I will take a look at the video then see what alterations i can make to one of my designs.

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Only if you share a screenshot :slight_smile:

Does Airport CEO support multiple security areas like the “Orlando” design shown here? Does A* path finding look to the gate, or the security, then does it find closest security and go there? In other words, would a peep go to the nearest security, go through, then have to go back out when it then tries to find a path to the gate?

I like the airport designs by the way.

Thank you for al the inspiration , loving your designs

Does Airport CEO support multiple security areas like the “Orlando” design shown here?

Devs said there are not multiple secure zones at the moment.

Yea if that’s the case i would need to move my security down the main hall before it branches into the 3 concourses. I sort of planned for that possibility with having that hallway pretty barren.

Scaling for your drawings:

  • a small stand is 5 x 5 large square and with the road piece they’re 5 x 7.
  • a large stand is 10 x 8 large squares, and with the road piece, they’re 10 x 10

Each large square is made up of 4 x 4 small squares. Small squares are the width of walls, bathroom stalls, single doors, etc. So a large stand is 40 small title - if each is considered a 1m metre square, then a large stand is 40 m wide. This is about right as the wing span of a 737 is 37 metres.

So this means for gates for a 747 - we would need a stand that is 65 metres wide and 80 metres long, so 18 x 20 large tiles, plus 2 for the road, giving 18 x 22 (likely 20 x 22 as it’s makes it easier for building). An A380 would need 85 metres by 80 metres long - so 22 large tiles by 22 large tiles. So I could see a large stand being made at 22 x 22 large tiles to handle all widebody jets.

Taxiway is 5 large tiles wide and the small runway look about the same width.

Road lanes are 1 large tile wide, two lane roads are 2 large tiles wide


Nice, thanks for the info! I assumed my ratios were probably off so my sketches are more for where stuff would go, and terminal width and length would all be adjusted to meet the design.

Although I think there can be multiple security areas, provided they all lead to the same secure zone.


I was actually working on something like that earlier this day, this is what I got so far, it’s a small airport, but from this form it would be easy to expand. The concept was to get people as fast as possible true security, therefore limited space at checking-in and only 2 little coffeecorners for visitors who pick-up people(future feature I suppose/hope) The dotted line at check-in is the underground baggage belt.