Airport CEO Beta 5 released

Any news on adjusting or customising franchise open hours? :slight_smile: apologies this isn’t directly related to this but curious if it is on radar after discussions on different posts a while ago.

Would be nice to be able to slide the hours or some form of customising them, with the sales target proportionate to it. Be good to have at least one facility open for night time flights, or to slide the opening time forward to accommodate the early morning rush (if using auto scheduler, currently the franchises aren’t open for the arrival of first wave of customers, causing a stampede to whichever opens first).

Sorry if this has been addressed, but will the new planes load on existing saves or do you need to start a new game? I’m not seeing the 767 on my existing airport.

You most likely need to redo your airline contracts, at least the ones with the 767 in the fleet, as, for the game, your contract U have signed does not include the 767, so you gota cancel all flights from it, cancel the contract, wait, and then renew it


Apologies if this should be posted elsewhere, but is there plans for more high quality terminal furnishings? I can’t seem to get my airport quality rating above 50% - and I replaced all my terminal seats with the best sofas. Or am I doing missing something to improve quality in the terminal?
Also wondering if the flight planner will be changed at all before full release? Mainly thinking about the autochanger- some way to set a template that the auto planner follows or something? Thanks!

Hope everyone on forum having as great a festive period as the times allow!


May send that as bug report if you think your airport has everything which is possible.

Regarding the flight planner, this really needs an overhaul.

Currently I cannot really shift planes without using a bug. If gate 1 is manually and gate 30 is manually but gate 2 to 29 is working with fixed airlines and also the auto scheduler, I cannot move the plane from gate 1 to gate 30 as dragging the flight and scrolling does not work at the same time.
At least due to a bug it currently allows to drop the flight on a stand which is not supposed for this airline or blocked for night flights or using auto scheduler.

Also a planning mode there would help a lot, currently you can only set and accept one flight but maybe you want to place and move all your flights a bit and then accept all at once.


Try renaming one of the manual stands so they appear next to one another?

Anyone else had issue with tiny airline satisfaction on planner but all your individual area scores are very high? It really got me puzzled there hardly any delays, services are completing. Will screenshot shortly.

Appreciate any tips or advice. Could it be bugged contracts? One airline has 100% and all others are 0-3% despite allocating 5-6 stands to each.

39770 ~ how about flying international zone? :smiley:

There is also a bug with delivery sites, but I cant pinpoint it.

Same for staff zones, they don’t get removed when deleting the foundation.

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CRITICAL BUG: The dots are departing passengers from MEDIUM ATTACHED stands stuck at the very end of the map edges. (about 100)

The aircraft leave a bit earlier (even though the stand reads that all have boarded). About 5-6 are left behind, basically trying to chase the departing aircraft all the way to the end of the map!

NOTE: This does not happen with SMALL ATTACHED stands.

Thankfully I only allow CRJs, E170 etc at the moment. No A319 and above or there would have been alot more. And only 3 stands. But the lag is already notable despite having a very powerful machine (i7, 16GB ). I guess they don’t know what to do.

Reported but can’t remember the number it gave me :frowning:

Can you show us the terminal/stands with active zone overlay (z key)?

Here is the terminal. Everything is properly connected.

And here is the problem. Aircraft is departing and these three guys will now run to the edge …

to meet the rest

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What services do you provide? I see you don’t have baggage at the moment. Do you have cleaning and catering?

The new force departure logic on delay sometimes acts different depending on the provided services and might need a bit more balancing.

Only fuel. No force departure used. Still, they should be trying to leave the Airport via the available transport options I have. Reloading does nothing.

Boarding appears to abandon if the cleaning or catering service is held up (less than 1 game hour from what I’ve noticed). The aircraft simply pushes back without starting the boarding process? I’ve tried in planner setting to Prompt or Always Delay but this doesn’t resolve issue.


Thanks :slight_smile:

Will be fixed in the next update!

No this is currently not something we’re looking at.

We’ll be working in a “low power” mode during these last days before 2021 but will be back in full force January 4th! However, will most likely deploy another update before then, tomorrow or the day after.


Has there been suggestions on one-way world entrances and tunnels of both types?

You can set a world entrance as one way only. Click on it and choose the direction, just keep in mind that you need at least 2 connected world entrances for that.


Thank you! I have obviously taken some time off. I think the last time I did a build was Beta 2 or 3. :rofl: