Airport CEO Beta 5 released

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I have built an airport which is quite large (12 large aircraft stands, Underground airport carpark etc). For some reason passengers ‘freeze’ part way through being dropped off at the airport and boarding their aircraft. I will explain:
say a passenger is departing the airport:

  1. They will arrive through some sort of transport (bus/subway/car/etc)
  2. They check in
  3. They pass through security
  4. They stop. Just stop

Now where they ‘freeze’ can vary, but it always happens just after they go through something like security, or a passport checkpoint, or a check-in desk, or a baggage claim area, etc. And they never make it to their aircraft. the same happens on arriving passengers and they never make it to a bus/car/taxi stop or car park to then leave the airport.

Below is a picture of a passenger who has picked up their bag from a baggage claim, and has just ‘frozen’. There is no notification saying he does not know where to go and he is not moving.

Curiously, when I save the game and load the game afterwards, the problem fixes itself, only to return slowly as more and more passengers suffer the same fate.

Hopefully this helps you guys at Apoapsis Studios. Your doing a great job with the current beta sprints and I would hope you continue to improve the game as good as you have been.

Lots of praise sent from Australia.

Why would people want to disable the lovely hats?? They are amazing!!! :smile: :smile: :wink: :grin:

Except on the A350

And when you want to make screenshots. :smiley:


Beta 5.0-4 rolling out now, including macOS version. Those hats can now be toggled off via the gameplay settings panel! :slight_smile:

    Release notes - Airport CEO - Version Beta 5.0-4


  • [ACEO-38835] - Flights can in rare instances become indefinitely delayed
  • [ACEO-38942] - Commercial flights not always prioritized over GA flights causing heavy delays on airports with single all traffic runway
  • [ACEO-38966] - Persons can interact with excalators planned for construction
  • [ACEO-39028] - Sprite not correctly set for planned rooms
  • [ACEO-39029] - Franchise contracts are generated and can be accepted for planned rooms
  • [ACEO-39047] - Extremely rare race condition can cause contractor path finding to halt
  • [ACEO-39053] - Incorrectly placed fence gate on upper floor does not remove fence below and trapping contractor workers
  • [ACEO-39078] - Main menu setting hover panels align to left and clip out of screen
  • [ACEO-39102] - Extremely rare uncaught null reference exception when copying queues using templates can cause copying process to break
  • [ACEO-39114] - Fuel trailer trucks do not set airport logo correctly
  • [ACEO-39122] - Terminal overlays not updating correctly at placement on floors above floor 0
  • [ACEO-39153] - A passenger aborting a remote boarding procedure can in certain instances not restart it and complete airside shuttle bus boarding
  • [ACEO-39156] - Clicking a service car stop does not reveal lines to assigned remote stands
  • [ACEO-39160] - Zones can only be placed on planned terminal if planning mode is enabled (even though planning isn't applied to zones)
  • [ACEO-39171] - Fence gate can be placed on all floors causing walkability issues for persons
  • [ACEO-39173] - Night mouse light renders aircraft heat haze effect incorrectly


  • [ACEO-39177] - Toggle added in gameplay settings to enable or disable seasonal easter eggs

I do have a lot of passengers having such behavior, some after security and most after boarding desk. I encountered such issue more frequently probably because my airport is waaaaaaaayyyyyy too large.

ACEO-39170 ⁃ Passengers passed boadring desk but do not board
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Super painful bug, I’m having tons of issues with or without passing the boarding desk where planes are stuck in “Go to Gate” but never actually board.

Can’t seem to open a bug report in-game when it happens.
If you have a non savegame folder in your savegame folder, you can attempt to load it from the Load game option on the main menu, although it is not marked with a timestamp like a real savefile. Attempting will load a blank unplayable map.
An invalid savefile message or allow us to navigate into the folder to get to the savefiles in the subfolder would be good.

When I jump to early in to the modding menu, this happens:


/Edit… it might be alway this case… Only the 2nd try opens the correct menu

I notice that early today i thought it was just me

Stay away from those menus, it’ll work in the next update! :slight_smile:



[ACEO-39177 1] - Toggle added in gameplay settings to enable or disable seasonal easter eggs

Yesterday, all aircraft had the Santa hat. When I first started up this morning, all arriving aircraft did not. I flipped the new toggle off and on and now it appears only half the arrivals do. Is this the programmed functionality now? Or have Wildcat Air not got the Christmas Spirit?

No but we also changed so that the santa hats only spawn on around 25% of the aircraft. And you will need to reload your save after turning easter eggs off in order to remove the hats that have already spawned.


Thanks for the answer Fredrik. I have the Easter Eggs enabled and just wondered whether and how the ‘on’ functionality had changed from yesterday, when the spawn rate was 100%. After a small time when the rate appeared to be 50%, it has settled down to about 20-25%.


pax and staff do not use walkalator any more and get stck by them
bug report sent

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I got this now too.

building planned objects doesn’t work anymore.ACEO-39234

What is happening that is wrong, specifically? I Noticed you “only” have 680k in cash. Did you afford to build all the planned structures? I tried your save and could only convert about 1/3 of the planned structures.

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When I select the area that is planned, it didn’t do anything, no price was shown and when I released the button it didn’t got marked as to be build.

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sounds like a typical Monday…


Okay, weird! Can’t reproduce it here, but will investigate it further to see what might be going on.