Airport CEO Alpha 33 released (The Big Bird Update)

There is a installation piece of artwork called “Void” at Te Papa museum in Wellington. Brilliant place too.

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Great Update. Didn’t play awhile. Just one question. How many new Airport Logos are in the game now. I just can see one old and three new logos.

Has anyone been able to get tilt trays to work? None of mine are redirecting any baggage, which is making it very difficult to test ULD handling.

Mine have been working so far

The tilt trays work fine for me. Did you right click the tilt trays to set its redirection method after placing it?

I didn’t know you could/should do that. Now I am wondering how long mine have been broken for lol

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Thank you all so much for the feedback and discussion that’s been going on here. Amazing to come back after a weekend to 150 replies and a lot of great information!

We’re back in full force today and will deliver an update later this evening with the most important fixes, and then continue to stabilize the update through out the week! :slight_smile:


I had issues reporting bugs (kept “hanging” on the attaching screenshot part), not sure if the bug itself really made it through as I didn’t get a bug report number.

I’m having issues with the template-feature. If I build a check-in desk with a queue and then use the template tool to multiply it, the “pasted” template has a queue that looks different. It’s either shorter, sometimes it missed a few gates “in between”. Same happend with copying queues at medium security gates: in this case the queue was always much shorter than in the “original”. Does my story make sense?


For me copy and pasting security checkpoints and their ques have been fine

After a few hours of playtime, everyone is frozen. Passengers + staff. Vehicles work. Is the bug known? The de-bug mode could not solve the problem. :frowning:

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Have you tried sending bug report?

Tilt trays. For some reason when placing tilt tray it sets to none direction as default. Always check they to destination.

Issue with Shuttle Buses getting Stuck. Submited Bug Report.

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This has been reported many times already if you haven’t read and they (the devs) will have a fix coming out tonight for the shuttle busses they said. :slight_smile: @sourabh2910

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apologies… my steam got an update for ACEO hence i thought the bug hasnt been fixed.

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no need for apology, just wanted to let you know that is on its way :smiley:


Could definitely do with an extra 2 tiles to be unlocked for more space on larger builds for 33.
Maybe an option to zoom out and then in as well?


We’re on it! :slight_smile:


Any plans for a shuttle between the parking and the airport?


General Question : Is there anyway to have 2 lane one way roads? Does that work?

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