Any link of changes there shows me a login page. I think they are simply not made public. I that was done on purpose, why post the links here?
They are automated from the software, no way to get them without and we simply don’t have time to remove a link for each issue.
Okay… what if I need (desperately) to know more details about a fix/change?
Seems like not everyone is on trello (e.g. I can’t find there the change I quoted)
New version rolling out now on experimental! Alpha 33.6-2 with the following fixes:
Release notes - Airport CEO - Version Alpha 33.6-2
- [ACEO-19366] - Persons stuck in secure area outside terminal cannot reset themselves
- [ACEO-19632] - Adjusted vehicle entry points for small fuel depot and service vehicle parking lot to avoid spinning effect on vehicle enter
- [ACEO-19647] - Object description and name not correct for certain items in build panel
- [ACEO-19681] - ULD trailers can in some rare cases when loading baggage for a flight not spawn ULD containers
- [ACEO-19684] - Baggage bay description confusing
I’ve noticed the following things when playing Alpha 33. Apologies if these have already been flagged.
Vehicles that are assigned to park on a stand sometimes randomly drive around the airport. Not a major issue but it causes unnecessary traffic on the roads.
If a SMALL commercial airplane is on a remote stand, the Passenger Service Agents take ages to get to the boarding desk and it delays the flights considerably. For some reason this is only happening with small aircraft and not medium or large.
I have a lot of Bus stops and taxi stops, but hardly any vehicles show up and, as a result, a lot of my bus stops have 250 waiting passgers and taxi stops are also full. Is there a way to increase the frequency of public buses and taxis.
If you’re serious you’ll file three bug reports. A post here will be forgotten in a few weeks.
I noticed too that they seem to prefer one bus stop. It’s not that they don’t use the other, but the most of them go to the other one.
I have no idea why… is it the better busline?
Does small aircraft IRL don’t require catering and cleaning?
I’ve seen push trucks that are assigned to stands do entire routes around the airport after completing a task. I think I have a save that is exhibiting this bug. I will submit it as soon as I get a chance.
EDIT: ACEO-19694 shows this.
I have the same, I submitted bug quite long time ago, but maybe it’s not so important at this point.
The answer is not so simple. It should be considered that a typical domestic flight in the US isn’t catered with meals but snacks and beverages. When operating to an outstation, you are catered for the round trip flight as you will not receive any catering services at the outstation. So even if you do not see the aircraft being catered, it does not necessarily mean they do not have any catering. On some of the shorter flights, we do not carry much catering at all other than some bottled water and a few other required service items.
Cleaning on the other hand is usually done at every airport you go to, however, the amount that is done varies station to station. At a minimum, the trash bins will be emptied and usually a quick walk through of the aircraft to pickup any obvious trash. At a hub, in addition to the trash bins being emptied, the cleaners usually pick up trash, do some quick vacuuming, and tidy up the lavatory.
I imagine catering/cleaning for some of the smaller aircraft is not simulated in Airport CEO as the vehicles cannot easily connect to the aircraft. Many of the smaller aircraft don’t have a cleaning truck connect to the aircraft, rather, the cleaning crew enters the aircraft via the jetbridge (or stairs).
Small aircraft IRL with up to 19 passenger seats do not require a cabin attendant. Also they don’t have a galley. Catering is therefore usually limited to a bottle of water per seat at most and cleaning might be just a plastic bag hanging somewhere in the cabin. I can understand that the simulation of those big catering and cleaning trucks approaching small planes just doesn’t look right too. I think the way it is now in game is most sensible.
btw shouldn’t the baggage claim area be in the secure zone?
We’ve modeled it after most European airports, i.e. international flights behind customs (not yet implemented) has baggage claim in a secure area while non-customs flight has them outside the secure area.
We had the same train of thoughts!
@Olof but it still would be a “passengers only” zone right? After baggage claim you still have to go through a one way door and then you end up in the arrival area where anyone can stay. I thought an area for passenger only was the definition of “secure area” in the game.
We’ve had this discussion multiple times before and several European airports have a set up where the baggage claim area is not a passenger only zone. On top of that, even thinking of changing it makes my brain implode from all the issues it would cause so it’s simply not going to happen…
It’s okay, we will wait until one way doors are in the game and problem solved
A very good solution to the problem!
Now we just need the one way doors to be implemented
For purely domestic terminals I’ve seen baggage claim generally in publicly available space after security exit. I’ve seen it this way both in Europe and in Australia. When the terminal is mixed use for international/domestic, I’ve seen it in Europe generally after secure exit, but behind a one-way door/path, or still in the secure area where the exit from baggage claim is also the exit from the secure area (international flights are on gates that direct PAX to passport control before the baggage claim), and there’s customs office in between the claim and the exit - domestic passengers and most of international simply choose ‘nothing to declare’ path. I think it depended on size of the terminal, whether you need to pass 1 or 2 one-way exits. In Australia for international flights you have 1st passport control, then the baggage claim and next quarantine, and if the terminal is mixed use there will be rather separate baggage claim areas for domestic and for international flights.
Hi there - any update on ACEO-19181 & ACEO-19118?