Airport CEO Alpha 33 released (The Big Bird Update)

Do you remember the bug report number or summary title?

I have resubmitted it as Underground Bording desk Path finding issue, 19342

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Can cancel all flights from that said airline for the whole day (disable auto assign or whatever it is called). Wait all flights from that airline have left the airport l, then cancel contract.

@Olof just a suggestion. I think the climate should be tweaked a bit depending on the located of the airport. My airports are in Ghana West Africa. I do think we need snow now a de icing stand.
Thank you,

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This should be taken into account when you start you game and pick you location. Olof and I did a bit of research a few months ago to find a reasonable global averages chart for the entire planet.


Yeah, could be bugged though… need to verify that it still works but it should generate an average temp modifier based on your coordinate values.


Might be a cool feature if the weather station showed you a graph of the temps for the last 12/24 months?

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BTW is the MDK for T7 and A380 out yet?

Just looked, does not appear so.

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I too have this issue but with a boarding desk on floor 1 and a bus stop on floor 0. I have bug reported it. Passengers stray around the other parts of the airport and don’t come to remote boarding.

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Would be nice if the snow textures only show up with temp below 0°C

i just reported a bug on lot allocations in the vehicles screen and wanted add a screenshot and savegame, but couldn’t find any option to add attachments. If you want the files, let me know how i can provide them to you.

oh, and is it just me or are medium planes only using 1 check in now? Is this by design? If so, it creates very long queues.

I have a problem about saving. Yesterday night, I have saved. However, now I continuous the save and find all the thing disappear. And I find things inside the save are missing The report ACEO-19381.

I have terminal stand but on boarding desk it says that the boarding desk is connected to a remote stand and not connected to shuttle bus and passengers do not board. It has been like this since last friday, this save i started today. I have sent bug reports on this, can’t send in game report at the moment since it stops mid way. Think one report was ACEO-19213 or something around that.

bseeberg - the image says that the stand IS NOT connected to a remote stand. So it is correct according the picture you provided. We can’t see the lower level so can’t see why pax won’t board the aircraft.

we have the king but were is the queen?

Good evening airport CEOs,

Here’s a new update for the experimental branch. Alpha 33.5-4 solves the issue you’ve all reported on the bug that causes boarding desks placed on a different floor than the stand not initiating a proper boarding process - and some other stuff as well.

    Release notes - Airport CEO - Version Alpha 33.5-4


  • [ACEO-19381] - Copy paste persistent log files into new save if user saves an existing airport with a new save anem


  • [ACEO-19190] - Quantity input field in procurement container does not lock player input
  • [ACEO-19315] - Uncaught NullReferenceException in bus boarding method for passenger can cause behavior disruption
  • [ACEO-19342] - Passenger cannot access boarding desk if it's placed on a different floor than the stand
  • [ACEO-19343] - Lower interaction panel year value can in rare instances be set to zero
  • [ACEO-19386] - Removed legacy components from main menu aircraft which could in rare instances throw non-serious exceptions

Great work!
And You have a new YouTuber playing!

You updated the game lots since that last played the game :smiley:


Just noticed this - Medium flights are only using 1 check-in desk, instead of 2. Created bug report ACEO-19457. Anybody else seeing this?

I saw this too - filed a bug report for it!