Airport CEO Alpha 29 released

I’m sorry. Sweden*. I really thought you guys were based in Norway. :sweat_smile:


I have 8gb memory and enough disk space. My AirportCEO process usually use 3-4 gb memory at beginning and 6-7gb after a one hour playing time with 60 stands. For example, the game Transport Fever for me takes 3-4 gb memory with a larger map and it stable.
I guess some memory leaks for AirportCEO

In relation to my earlier mention of multiple floors, the overall RAM usage will also significantly drop with the new grid improvements.

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New version rolling out now, since it’s such a small fix I won’t update any versions but it’s a hot fix for ramp agents not completing the baggage transfers! :slight_smile:


Thanks Devs! Still can’t edit my Gameplay Setting from the main game menu, window won’t display properly; can only close it to get back to the main menu.

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That’s been fixed in Alpha 30 I believe, at least it’s gotten a set of serious overhauls so I can’t touch it in Alpha 29.

Got it! Just reported Bug 11355, I get blocks of flights where the ramp agents do not show up at all.

To expand on my bug, I notice that if a flight arrives delayed, only one ramp agent ends up servicing the flight.

Add bugs 11362 & 11363 to similar issues; now less passengers are showing up on time to the airport, and less flights are having 100% check-in rate. More and more flights are no longer receiving ramp agent service. It seems to become exacerbated the longer you play. Was playing for about an hour (all on slow game speed), and everything just broke down suddenly.

Is Alpha 30 coming today?

Yup, found another few bugs there. This experimental version is not good enough for default so I will be pushing another, hopefully last, Alpha 29 version within a few hours.

There will be a new internal update today yes, experimental update will most likely arrive late tomorrow! prays silently

Hi, ive just noticed when playing if you open the job tasks tab, then open the vehicle job tasks tab, you dont get a full list of vehicles owned at the bottom where it tells you if you are short. You cant scroll to see the rest of the vehicle types. Ive done a big report - aceo11381. Just not sure if this is known about.
Loving all the recent improvements!

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Good evening,

Pushing Alpha 30 forward one day as we found a number of important bugs relating to ramp agents with the recent update (-8), not to mention we wanted to get the OpenGL 4.0 / DirectX 9.0 (mac render issue fix) in. Here is the change log for, hopefully once again, last version of Alpha 29… :stuck_out_tongue:

Being rolled out right now!

    Release notes - Airport CEO - Version Alpha 29.12-9


  • [ACEO-11378] - Added "reset ramp agent" button to debug panel to reduce save breaking caused by previous remote stand bugs


  • [ACEO-10998] - Persons attempting to distribute evenly across queues do not consider number of static queuers
  • [ACEO-11353] - Uncaught null reference exception in remote stand service car job ordering can cause job task dispatchment to stall
  • [ACEO-11357] - Vehicles can deadlock when there is no possibility to overtake
  • [ACEO-11371] - Ramp agents abort service round due to un-safe saftey check
  • [ACEO-11379] - Rendering issue for MacBooks with Open GL version lower than 4.0

is there anyone else that is having the game crash on them after loading there airports

Nope, we always test with Steam on both macOS and Windows after each release. Sounds like something specific to your save.

Loaded fine here. iMac

Having said that though, is there a reason why PAX are ignoring these two security stations?

Still seeing deadlocked vehicles:

(on public roads)

(and on service roads)

Seems to be something about multiple vehicles trying to enter/exit intersections? or at least that’s where I’m seeing the most issues.

Is it related to ACEO-11357 or should I make another bug?

Also, I’ve got this PAX stuck on my tarmac:

I think it happened when I closed my stands but how do I get rid of her? :slight_smile:

For the stuck PAX you could perhaps place a crossing connecting to that walkway?

Weird… I can play just fine on the normal branch but whenever I try to use the other branch it’s loads fine for a few minutes then crashes… It’s possible that my computer is mess up… I have just found some water leaking from my computer lol

Bug 11392 - All my passengers stop showing up at my airport, but my passenger counter keeps climbing. Don’t notice anymore sprites to support the counter. Even happens after a save and reload.

Tried that; can’t even place a crossing there.

Funny thing is, she has a boarding pass for a flight in the past so essentially she is orphaned now.
@Olof how should PAX respond in such cases?

EDIT: PAX actually disappeared after a day or so. UFOs confirmed? :slight_smile:

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