Airport CEO Alpha 25.4 released

Here ya go:
Dropbox link: Dropbox - File Deleted - Simplify your life
the ZIP also includes a JPG of the Master Plan. Based upon current air traffic though, I may not need to build it that large. I’ve also opened the five red-X spaces, so I can expand there as well.

Be advised: it takes about 5 minutes or so to load.

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I have very good SSD. Your load times are about half of that, but gosh yeah they are long.


I give you the same question as I give other people with this kind of issue: How large is your airport and what is your path queue count like? Press F10 to bring up the dev panel and check the stats on the left.

My staff are not doing anything thus causing my airline ratings to drop from 95 to 10. my queue count is 2500
here are some pics of my airport:

the janitors are also not doing their job so my airport looks very messy. And just like outside the subway station, people get stuck and stand in one place for a long time especially in front of the queues

Is there something wrong with baggage as it is not working in my current build!

The cargo bays collect laugage but don’t send it on to be collected at my bag area.

I’m building it the same way that I have in all my other builds

Nothing related to baggage and baggage simulation has changed in the last builds, or in a long time at all, so it’s most likely coincidental to that save.

Ok cool will see what I can do as I’ve sent hours on this airport!

Could of course still be a bug, just that it hasen’t presented itself earlier. File a bug report if you think something is broken and it will be processed! :slight_smile:

Will try to demolish the system and build again! Helpfully the desiraliseds on switch for baggage means each time I load the save there is no baggage in the system.

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I just submit a bug, You have successfully created the issue (ACEO-3667) it is about path issues.

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Is planes doing aborted landings a thing? I’ve just had one?

Yes, that can happen. It’s a result of lacking performance and physics calculations that are not fully balanced. The system should handle it fairly well, though.

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It did, the plane did a runaround and then landed.

Go arounds sound exciting! :stuck_out_tongue: I can’t wait to get back and try everything, alas my real life flights have all been cancelled due to the snow storm in NE America :persevere: Airport CEO just got a little too real :stuck_out_tongue:


How are airliner images showing up for you? Mine aren’t doing it for the ACEOMM

I’'m on a Mac so I don’t get to use that wonderful programs Patrick made.

I’'m on a Mac so I don’t get to use that wonderful programs Patrick made.

There are extracted files of mod. You can place them in proper folder and game will see mods :slight_smile: Although I am sure @pderuiter will bring MAC support.

How are airliner images showing up for you? Mine aren’t doing it for the ACEOMM

That’s a bug. For a reason game doesn’t read logos properly. It reads some correct, it reads some tilted and it doesn’t read some at all. We will take a look on it.

Roger that. I can confirm that in fact some businesses/contractors are displaying logos. Importantly the airliners are showing properly

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My game just gave an alert for an employee that could not reach its shop, after clicking this employee, I could not close the employee card in any way and I could not click objects at all. I cannot even save the game, to submit a bug report, the menu wont open. Please give us a FAST SAVE short cut in game, thx.

Video is uploading as we speak;

Could it be shop staff without a destination? so, with a null ref.?

Mmm, seems it was present in the old save; U heeft met succes de kwestie (ACEO-3678) aangemaakt; there we go.

Just deleted all shops I have in my airport (the rooms and contracts, etc), then they went home.

After closing a depot, I had fuel trucks running around without trailer, is that intended?

If you want to build “lighting” for the metro stairs, build upon the metro area :smiley:

@Jettuh give us some background lighting pls :wink:

Ow and it is possible to build lighting inside a fence too;

What do you mean with background lighting Jasper?