Airport CEO Alpha 25.4 released

To make it clear for the future, after confirming this with the devs:
All saves should be presented as attachment to a Jira issue. That way the devs have 1 source where they can get the saves from, at the time they need it, without having to worry it no longer being available.

Only when they specifically asked to send a save by other means, should you do so :slight_smile:

Submitted ACEO-3637 Removed from Dropbox.

As of the last two experimental hotfix updates, my airport is DOA.
– Passengers are stuck in the Subway and restrooms.
– Positions not manned despite having lots of staff for those.
– Contractors failing to start start work, or starting after a long time; despite having contractors next to locations to demolish.
– Baggage continues to fail, both departing and arrival.
– Passengers not checking in at Checkins.
– Clicking the Boarding Desks shows “No FLights Scheduled”. Yet, there are aircraft at the Stands. Clicking on the Boarding Desks indicates no passengers in terminal for the flight. However, the info box for the Boarding Desks also indicates “Cannot clear or change stand connection while there are active flights”
– Clumps of passengers standing in front of Boarding Desks. Just standing there.

I’m sorry, guys, but previous experimental rollouts have not had as many new bugs introduced as these last two hotfixes.
Yeah, I know. It’s called “experimental” for a reason.


Running experimental build 25.4.2

Similar issue with passengers walking through walls, but it’s a bit different from yours. Passengers walk from the buss stop, walk through walls/shelves/sinks/toilets/etc and when they ‘hit’ a bench/seat they stop and find their path. Not 100% sure if it is only when they encounter a bench/seat/etc, have to do some more investigation.

During the night these people are completely black until they encounter a bench and then turn into ‘illuminated’ people again and continue their path way, during day time they look normal.

Passenger walks through a shop shelf
Passengers walking through toilet sinks

Passengers shown as ‘black figures’

Also something strange is happening in lighting for the subway, during the night they are just black holes. When I select an item to build and get the flashlight around the item, the subway’s are visible again. During the day they are just to be seen. Seems to be connected in a way with the issue of the non lighted (strange behaving) passengers. People still use the subway’s so they function normal.

Subway without lighting.

Yep. The Black Holes were introduced with the Subways. Mine are littered with the baggage detritus of those who are the dearly departed.

Can you file a bug report with your save? Am currently looking at issues with passengers walking through walls.

As for the subway, it’s not “meant” to be placed inside… they’re outside structures and are thus affected by sunlight which means that when it’s dark outside they’ll also be dark.

And what @pderuiter said is 100 percent correct, unless we specifically ask for the save in an e-mail we’ll always be the happiest if we get them via Jira! :slight_smile:

Edit: Running your save now, can’t seem to reproduce the issue to a great extent. When exactly in the game does this occur? Did you do something special?

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Please make the Subways inside structures as well. There are many airports, such as Dallas-Fort Worth International where there are escalators inside the terminals that go to the outside to transportation. These escalators would be synonymous with ACEO’s subways.

And, to reiterate, despite the problems of the last two hotfixes; scrolling about the terminal is VERY smooth, even with pax counts above 6000. Just a small framerate hit.

Contractors continue to fail to work. In this image, the guys with the boxes just stodd there, not moving. As did the guys at the dropoff point.

FYI: all the problems I reported in the previous post and these are in the ACEO-3637 savegame


@Olof bug report done (ACEO-3638) and thanks for the explanation around the subway’s location and lighting, that makes perfect sense! :wink:

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Perfect, thank you, looking at it now.

Edit: I’ve found the issue, will deploy a hot fix later this afternoon. Some rearranging of logic causes the passengers to ignore the fact that their path request has failed. You should build a cross walk in this particular save with the new updated, otherwise people will get stuck in that part of the bus stops.

Well, that’s always something! Haven’t had time to check your airport yet but my guess is that everything is halted when you load the game due to thousands of pax requesting paths and overwhelming the system. This is exactly the kind of issue that should be resolved with the new worker thread for the path finding queue system. If you load your save and let it run for a good amount of time my guess is that eventually persons will get moving.


@Olof, thanks for the reply. I’m hoping the new system will prevent these worker problems.


omg look at how many tasks my janitors have


@Olof cool! Let me know if you have any questions.

Another thing I noticed when I built a subway, passengers already appear in front of it before they are actually built. This is for both arriving people from the subway and people wanting to get into the subway. I believe it has been mentioned before but that was for an earlier release version.

Alright, thanks, fixing that too. :slight_smile:

@Olof, my Contractors finally started working. So, I guess it just requires a long wait. Thanks for the insight. My Pathfinding queue is about 6400 and steady.

Also, for anybody with indoor Subways, as I have, you can put lights on them. Works like a bloody charmer. This is a night time image.

@Olof, @Fredrik: no need to rush a hotfix. We can wait. Want to include it in the 25.5 update? Excellent.

Do you have night flights?

Yes I do have night flights, does that affect this? Based on the reply from Olof they know about this issue and are working on it.

Normally the janitors will catch up at night, now they dont, so, you needs lots and lots more of them.

Another day, another hot fix! Alpha 25.4-3 fixes the walk through wall issue and a minor issues with fuel trucks roaming the world when parking at fuel depots. Also adds some new, but minor, stuff.

    Release notes - Airport CEO - Version Alpha 25.4-3


  • [ACEO-3641] - Improve appearence of high speed conveyor belt tray


  • [ACEO-3633] - Exaggerated performance null check on fuel depot parking can cause fuel trucks to target zero vector
  • [ACEO-3638] - In certain activities persons fail to recognize that a given path request has failed, resulting in them floating across the terminal through objects and walls
  • [ACEO-3642] - Subway entrance is enabled for transit despite not being fully constructed

New Feature


Subway entrance still not cleared. Do you want a new bug report with savefile?? It’s the same savegame I submitted previously. over 14000 pax, and over 14200 in pathfinding queue

EDIT: I surrender. I’ll just wait until vers 25.5

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I can not update the game