Airport CEO Alpha 25.2 released

We have a few reports already and are looking at the issue but if you have time to file another we’d be happy! :slight_smile:


i have sent one in


You know that moment that a stand with plane does not unselect a plane until it is flying away from your airport :smiley:

This is special too; fillstreams that stay around until you click the oilterminals :wink:


No new flights since update. #METOO

I have 25 GA stands 6 med and 4 small GA stands

Are there fewer flights than previous version or no new flights at all? I haven’t seen the issue by myself but fewer flights seem more realistic.

No, there’s definitely a bug, we’ll have a look at your reports today and push an update as soon as possible!

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We have identified and fixed the issue with the lack of new flights. A hotfix is now being deployed. :slight_smile:

    Release notes - Airport CEO - Version Alpha 25.2-2


  • [ACEO-3443] - New flights are not being offered
  • [ACEO-3445] - Check in desks looses connection with flight object

yup, I also noticed … but still (in my case) 22 out of 107 passengers, so doesn’t work properly
It seems that we will have to wait for final solution …

After hot fix 25.2-2:

  1. still no new flights
  2. Boarding Desk still losing connection flights

This is on a reloaded game. Do I need to start a new game?

EDIT: this flight was to have departed at 9:10 AM. It is now 18:35PM

How long did you wait (you need to wait at least one in-game hour) and what is your current airline rating? Those factors come into play when new flights are generated.

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I waited an additional hour; flights started to populate (11 new flights). Also, my airlines rating is 3%. Mystery solved. Thanks for that fix.

sidebar: what do I need to do to raise my airlines rating? I set my LAnding and Stand fees to max orange (none in red). If I lower fees, will that improve rating?

Checkin Desks still losing connection to flight objects (see image above). This occurred on newly-arrived flights.

Can anyone answer me why this is happening?

I have a lot of passengers not leaving, or boarding. I can tell if its one or the other. They have been standing there for a couple of days now. I cant click on them either.

Secondly, can anyone tell me how to pave the fuel depot, truck depot and ATCT tower so its not grassy? I cant use any of the floor materials. And I’ve seen alot of other people do it :slight_smile:

The screen you showed is a boarding desk, what exactly is the nature of the issue? What do you mean by “looses connection to flight object”?

Airline ratings improve when you successfully turn around aircrafts, i.e. have them arrive and depart on time with services completed.

What does your zoneing look like?

Secondly, can anyone tell me how to pave the fuel depot, truck depot and ATCT tower so its not grassy? I cant use any of the floor materials. And I’ve seen alot of other people do it

Use concrete tiles.

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Hi Olof

I had a strip of unzoned floor :slight_smile: But after I zoned it, about half of the several hundred people stuck there left, but the rest stayed there :smiley:

“what do I need to do to raise my airlines rating? I set my LAnding and Stand fees to max orange (none in red). If I lower fees, will that improve rating?”

Set delays to manual to see which stands have delays and start mass dismissing planes from stands which are stalling traffic. Something with a baggage or a boarding bug. Atm have 4 airlines at 100%, but is it heavy to manage atm.

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I’m demonstrating that there is an aircraft at the gate that is being serviced. There are passengers. Yet, Boarding Desk indicates “No Flight Scheduled”. Even the Flight Information Screen (Arrivals/Departures) shows this flight number.
Current time is 13:35 (way past scheduled departure), if that makes a difference.

I’m asked if I want to delay a flight. I click yes. The popup closes, then immediately reopens asking if I want to delay the flight. Repeat again and again. Finally, I click No. Popup goes away.