The queue gets shorter, if I build a second cash desk in this coffee shop. But it does not change the fact, that most PAX go to this coffee shop and not to the shop directly nearby
The queue gets shorter, if I build a second cash desk in this coffee shop. But it does not change the fact, that most PAX go to this coffee shop and not to the shop directly nearby
ACEO-44016 - Busses extra wait at gates before driving to stand (despite 100% passengers on the bus already)
WN649 (115 passengers)
21:06 Last pax on bus
21:38 Bus leaves gate
WN360 (97 passengers)
22:09 Last pax on bus
22:41 Bus leaves gate
WN617 (155 passengers)
03:09 Last pax on bus
03:38 Bus leaves gate
The report example is captured before the 3 examples begin. Hopefully this might be a glitch that can be tweaked. Otherwise there is no incentive to have enough boarding desks for remote stands as there is no benefit to boarding quickly. The 30-60 minute excessive wait quickly adds up on a busy stand making remote stands a real head ache. I’ve already reconfigured my airport to cut down the driving distance to offset this issue.
Previously, I’m sure buses were set up to leave the gate as soon as they could once 100% passengers on the bus/busses, otherwise there was a safety back up trigger which would send the bus shortly before STD to ensure it wouldn’t deadlock?
Observation - large stands if using 2 buses, only one bus waits excessively, the other leaves as soon as 100% on board (across two buses). On time flights suffer the longer wait, appears they time out later assuming services are completed quickly before boarding triggered.
Correction about ACEO-44030
I’ve found out the reason for the recurring error in the flight monitor, that I should have too less check-in-desks.
The message is the following:
Translated: For SE297 are no check-in-desks available: no check-in-desk is connected to the baggage bay of the associated stand (baggage service is activated)
That’s wrong. All the check-in-desks are connected to the baggage bay. The stand, where flight SE297 is planned, is not connected.
I don’t know the original message, so I can’t say, if the message is wrong or the translation. But in this version it is very distracting. I can’t say how many hours I’ve now tried to optimize the check-in desks, and it wasn’t up to them at all.
(btw: the headline of this message is also a little bit - hmm - weird. Translated “Messages sticked together” - is this, what you wanted to say?)
I’ll make a reservation right away, these bugs are not critical to me. If you are developing a new game, develop rather than “treating an old patient”. But that’s just my opinion. I posted a dozen bug reports from the game yesterday.
The planes landed when the stand had not yet been cleared for them. As a result, they were a bunch, on top of each other, waiting for their turn. The first time I saw this, usually because they just do not land, but wait for their turn “in the sky.”
The first aircraft is undergoing de-icing. But there is a second, free area for de-icing, which the second plane can only get to by leaving the runway, passing it, and again dropping into the apron. Moreover, while he is traveling, planes take off through him. Those. the runway should not be used for taxiing at all, and the second aircraft must wait while the first aircraft is de-icing.
The plane in front of the runway, and in front of the fork, to which the taxiway comes from the other end of the airport, is forced to let the plane through, from the far end of the airport, despite the fact that it has plenty of time to fly away and the runway is free.
Aircraft remain at the stand for a long time, even after receiving all the necessary services. We even have to expel them forcibly. Infrequently.
P.s. We are talking about a terminal that uses 2 runways, one of them only for takeoff, the other only for departure.
I played in the same airport on 2 different computers with completely different performance. One customer has more than 50% of the total number of passengers and the level of staff satisfaction is ~ 50-60%, on a very weak computer the number of customers drops sharply, and the level of staff satisfaction soars to 80%.
I have bug reported this previously. Your translation is correct. It says there’s no check in available but there are - in my case there are often 10-20 automated check in desks connected to that baggage bay that are not being used at all.
Also, the flight that reports the error, has 100% of passengers check in without issue. It is a bug, but it does not affect game play, just a bit annoying.
44056 ~ The good old traffic jam!
It would be really nice if it was possible, to tell the aircraft traffic agent, that pushback should wait on all ongoing traffic, one pushback can create a real mess on half the field, which is also still making a reservation of 60-80 blocks? Plus, when you want to delete Taxiway, it tells you that you it is occupied non stop, please let the engine realise, that I want to remove it, let it reserve the remove order until the moment all current reservations are expired, disallow new reservations, same with check-in desks.
ACEO-44057 - Passengers dropped at ground level
Sometimes it happens that passengers get dropped at ground level where no building or walkway is at any other level.
Airport CEO 1.0-22 has now been deployed on the default branch! Patch notes here: Airport CEO 1.0-22 released :: Airport CEO Events & Announcements
I am looking forward to that “something little else”
Same! I wonder if it’s gona be the next game or a new major update for the game
I forget, how does one get the “When’s the next dev blog” achievement? As I just got it but idk what I did lol
NVM now I know lol
In my case, I moved the delayed flights manually and not automatically via the flight planner
It was about 50 times I think.
In my case I was adding a de-icing pad in-front of the runway ( small airport with only 1 small runaway) and I guess I removed the runway on/off ramp, I replaced it quickly but then looked away, heading to go do something with my medium aircraft expansion plans I think, but I guess the single runway got stuck, so I had to turn it on and off, and that fixed the problem
Rolling out a very small update now, 1.0-23 which fixes a rare but critical tutorial state fix and also contains a more significant game engine upgrade. Dropping on the experimental branch now but will go live on the default branch within a few hours!
ACEO-43957 Tutorial incorrectly states night flights are enabled by a procurement director
Edit: The version is now live on the default branch!
Man, can’t wait for whatever announcement dev blog is gona be out today!
Curious if any tweaks might be possible for ACEO-44016?
Does that have something to do with the catering problems? Cause I am having a lot of those
What kind of problems do you have?
Not yet, it’s in the pipeline for review next week.
What kind of catering problems are you having? I still have issues where trucks want to fetch meals from far away catering depots and cycle in an out of parking structures when a capable depot is adjacent.
Catering trucks won’t use adjacent catering depot.
They are trying to go to far away catering and backtrack to get to stands.