Airplanes registrations

Currently planes have no registrations which is, well not realistic. Will they be added later ? We all know how they work, this is how I would do it: Your airport is lets say in Spain so planes coming to and from your airport will have EC registration or registration of country they came or go back to like Germany D. This would apply to all airlines since they arent from any country. All airlines could have registrations from all countries all over the world. Also diffrent systems of registrations would be nice to have like USA or Japan. How would you guys do it ?


Interesting idea, but the thing is it relates to where the aircraft was registered, not necessarily where the planes are based. This can lead to quite a few anomalies. Take Ryanair, for example. They are an Irish airline, and all their planes are registered EI. But, of course, they fly a huge number of routes outwith Ireland so if you fly from Kaunas (Lithuania) to Naples (Italy) you fly on an Irish plane.

The vast majority of airlines all have planes with the same country of registration (the only instances I can think of are leases, such as Virgin Atlantic’s Little Red flights which used Aer Lingus aircraft that were repainted but not re-registered). So I’d wait until we have a large number of airlines and assign them a county of origin, and use that to generate the registration. Maple, for example, would most logically be a Canadian registered airline whose planes have the registration C-XXXX.

Maple would obviously not be restricted to flying to/from Canada, at least not at the moment. We’ve already seen them inaugurating random links between Sweden and the Hebridean Islands. So we can assume that in the full 7th freedom rights apply worldwide; this is obviously unrealistic, but necessary at this moment in time. As 7th freedom rights exist, it is therefore reasonable to assume that the flights can and will be served by foreign carriers, including aircraft registered elsewhere.

So, I vote for registrations being tied to the airline in question.


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