Is it maybe an option you can set the route of an aircraft? When one plane came into your airport and another goes out, they don’t take the same taxiway, but you can set the route so they can drive around and doesn’t bother.
Is it maybe an option you can set the route of an aircraft? When one plane came into your airport and another goes out, they don’t take the same taxiway, but you can set the route so they can drive around and doesn’t bother.
It’s your job to plan your airport accordingly so they don’t get stuck. But for example you have only one taxiway out of a parking area. The parked plane (normally) would wait for the incoming plane to pass through and give way.
Keep in mind tho it is EA (when released that is) and that planes will clip through another at times because pathfinding is a big effort and until there is a proper solution it might be easier to just let them drive through each other than having stuck planes and a broken airport.
How would you handle the situation where the wind changes and your aircraft start using a different runway? or perhaps the same one, but the opposite direction?
I doubt that is in the game yet, but i have no doubt it will be added
We’ve always called it “Flipping” the airport… and it can be a headache in real life.
Adding wind changes affecting aircraft is super realistic. I don’t think it’d be that bad of a feature. Though I’m not sure that realism is needed?
i’m not sure either
It’s the kind of realism i would like and it would make for some small challenge for players who have an established airport
I disagree. This game is an “airport tycoon” not “ATC simulator”. If people want to play ATC, There are beautiful games such as;
I was hinting at that but the thing is you’re building a functional airport in which when designing a airport they have to think about what happens if the wind is facing a certain direction and where is the most common area for it to blow? We’re not saying you controls it, it just adds realism that’s not needed in my opinion. Though you have your own interpretation.
Kind regards
And my point was that no, i don’t think you should be determining taxiway directions, but yes, wind changes should be a factor that influence your ground traffic
But that’s my personal opinion and i’m sure other people will weigh in
Here is my opinion, wind can be a challanging factor in the game. I would like to see three different options for wind:
No change of wind. The wind is always the same which makes it easy to plan the air traffic.
Wind can change around 180 degrees. This makes it a bit more complicated however you only need parallel runways.
Wind can be blowing from any degree. This forces you to build runways so that airplanes doesn’t have to land in crosswinds.
Most airports work with a prevailing wind in mind, which might change once or twice a year usually summer or winter with temperature changes. For example in the UK we get Westerly prevailing winds meaning most airports will end up having westerly departures. However occasionally the wind switches direction turning to north easterly colder winds which means airports can do easterly operations. So often you’ll be operating one way for a few months and then another month or so back in the opposite direction.
Runway direction can also have political implications. If one approach is more populated/politically more influential than the other then you can end up with restrictions on the use of the runway. Heathrow for example has a Westerly preference (at least to se extent imposed by the government) and planes almost always fly in from the East and out to the West for political reasons, even when the prevailing wind is not in their favour.
Can’t see how it would fit into the game. The political simulation need to be very detailed for something like this and that would go beyond the scope of the game. Interesting factoid though.
Not much detail needed at all, just a simple random event that only triggers sometimes, that says aircraft must leave thataway.
Come on, think bigger, Airport CEO is better than having a simple RNG in parliament! OK so you could just have it as a random event, but that limits potential so much. Besides, these sorts of things often come through negotiation rather than simply imposition, even when it is backed by legislation.
I’ve always been in favour of a somewhat detailed political system in the game, further down the line of course. Having to deal with the environmental impact of the airport is absolutely part of this. Complaints from NIMBYs, agreement to noise abatement and redesigning flight paths and so on could all come through this. But to make sense, preferential one-direction operations would need these complaints to come predominantly from one direction which would lead us to realising the surrounding environment of the airport (to some degree) which may be going a bit too far.
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