Airline logos are sometimes distorted

If you notice the United logo is squished and not as crisp as the others. Not a huge deal, but just something.

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Oh, that’s because the logo PNG referenced in the JSON file is not set into a 256px x 256px. Nothing to do with the aircraft livery.

I have heard talk of trying 256px x 128px files etc.

I’ve set all of mine to 256px x 256px and apart from a black matte issue which is quite different to what you’ve shared, does work and provide the correct logos where you have shown.

How did you install these aircraft mods too?

I have been downloading the DataFiles.7z from the google drive then unziping them with winzip and then manually entering them into the game.

I figured that the logo on the contracts wasn’t related to the aircraft; however, I wish we could enter in a separate logo sized specifically for contracts/boarding passes so they aren’t distorted.

I’m Mac based so have to do everything manually too. Are you Mac based.

If not, you might want to hit @pderuiter as this sounds like a aceomm potential issue?

Those logos are separate yes.

I have it on MAC and PC. I have been doing all the modding on my PC. Right now I don’t have any issues, If I can do it without using the program, that is fine with me, it doesn’t cramp my style much.

I am assuming that ACEO will eventually add in Steam Workshop capability so this is likely temporary.

To my knowledge, I have never installed ACEOMM.

I tried downloading it but the .exe wouldn’t open for me so I moved on.

It will be an error in your PNG file then. @pderuiter has updated his software so try that again if you can. Otherwise you will have to start sorting your own .png files.

Sorry, I think you misunderstood me. I have no issues, I just noticed that the contracts/boarding passes logos were distorted. The liveries on the aircraft are fine.

I especially converted logos to 256 x (something). Maybe they are not updated on ACEOMM. Again @pderuiter knows the answer.

I hope logos don’t have to be exactly 256x256 :worried:

I have not updated all logos, but feel free to download them and update any logo you need :slight_smile:

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Fixed the logo issues on contract selection & boarding passes. We really have to use large, square logos and then size them down to 256x256. A lot of the logos currently in the ACEOMM data files are “banner” like logos, those will become squeezed & distorted like I had shown before.


I thought the dev’s said 256 x 256px?

Correct, I wrote it down wrong. My bad.

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