Anybody else seen this behavior? The plane is driving around on the grass. I’ve had airaft actually taxi through the terminal. This is not a one-off. Both aircraft below finally reached the runway and took off.
Finally, these three guys were never on the taxiway after leaving the gate. They drove across a 800-meter runway (marked for jets and NO small aircraft) to a 600-meter grass runway (designated for NO jets, and ONLY small aircraft). They never did takeoff. Even F10 (Reset Aircraft Paths) couldn’t help.
This clown drove through my terminal. Scared the hell out of the passengers and staff.
I’ve never seen any of this behaviour in my game before, but stab in the dark: I suspect the fact that you have no holding points at the entrances to any of runways is probably messing up the pathfinding. If you were to put holding points at all the entrances to your runway does it solve your problems?
Daniel, I don’t know why you In the images, I can clearly see them. think there are no holding points without some sort of indicator. There are at each end of the runways. In the images, I can clearly see them. They’re red.
I can only expand the first image and the rest aren’t that clear, and there doesn’t appear to be one unless it’s right on the edge of the runway? (In which case I stand corrected). Otherwise I have no idea why you would be getting this sort of behaviour
Stu’s answer may be the closest. My original two runways were on the east side of the airport. I recently added two runways on the west side. The taxiways between the two do not connect. Yeah, this is a bug.
I wanted Medium Stands on west side of airport to use west-side runways and taxiways. I wanted the same for east-side Stands, runways, and taxiways. I guess, not to be at this time.
This was the airport plan. Would add 8 additional medium stands to the northeast and about 24 stands on the west. West side and east side don’t share Cargo Bays, Fuel Depots, Vehicle Depots, Service Trucks, nor Pushbacks. The vehicles on each side service only aircraft on their respective sides. Therefore, no roads between sides either. Oh well, maybe in the future.
Sidebar: I really wish Olof and Fredrik would provide the capability to cross Conveyor Belts. You really need some convoluted paths so that Belts don’t cross. I don’t don’t mean just Overground crossing Underground.; we need Underground crossing Underground and the same for Overground as well. Really ought to be a new function top priority.