Advanced Airport Decoration

ok i was thinking will there be other things you can customise later in launch for the airport such as LAX’s lights
Or maybe something that will make you airport distinct with a customised tower and maybe a restaurant in the middle of the ring around (again lax)

Even little decorations for roads which and point to the airport again just thinking of Advanced Decoration For Airports i know this wont be high priority since Olof And Fredrick are working on the realease pipeline

Would love an In N Out Burger to go along with it.

I think this is not part of the simulation, therefore the Devs should not be spending time in this. I rather think this would be awesome for modding,using Steam.

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I think this would be the most personalisable customisable part of the game that helps to add the aforementioned “Charm” and “Character” that people so desire.

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