ACEO Modding Group: You have Airline Wishes? Write us here and we try to do it

Can somebody make this for -800 and -600?:smiley:

Sure comes on the list to do :slight_smile: But is that not already in the aceomm ?

Not the old livery.

OK , then we do it :slight_smile:

Thank you!!! :smiley::smiley:

Transavia is online I think, new livery the green circle on tail and green logos on front.

Hey, whose that landing over here :eyes:

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Steam Community :: Error Austrian New livery online here ^^^^^^^^^^^^

Enjoy @Matex, and everyone else!


Look fabulous! You got it down to the teeth. Are A321, A319 and E195 (E190) also included?

Yeah, A321, A320, A319, E190, Q400 included :blush:

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The old one isn’t :wink:

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Yeah, :slight_smile: I’ll do that ,maybe, in hour :slight_smile:

Transavia online here : Steam Community :: Error


Includes : 737-800 and 737-600 (-700)


@JuliusTheCanadianAv Hows the Virgin Atlantic going?

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First of all, it’s already done by @scaramonga
And was I supposed to do that? :slight_smile: :confused:

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Oh Sorry! A few days ago I asked for Virgin Atlantic, and you said you would do it. My apologies.

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Hi , yes Julius said he wants to do that, but Scaramonga was faster and has done it.
So good for you , it is already in game :slight_smile:
In General: All your wishes goes to the aceo Modding Group , but we can not say who is doing that, depends who has time to do that, and who is faster. (Just a info)

Caribbean Airlines now online.


Can someone make this for the DCH-8 :smiley:

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Do you mean DHC6-300 or Dash8 ? In the picture we can see a DHC6-300 of Loganair who flys for Flybe .
So do you want it as Loganair or as Flybe ?