4.0-3 Cannot Load any airports

Steam just updated to 0-3 and now i cannot load any airports - or start a new one
It sticks on loading Businesses and Mods. I am not using any mods and I tried to start a new airport but it sticks there no matter what.

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I am having the same problem. I can’t start a new airport or load an old one. I closed the game for a minute, it updated, and now it doesn’t work.

I am also having this issue, was working earlier but now nothing will load

Same issue here, worked yesterday but haven’t updated since so I’m not sure why

If you guys are on the experimental branch, the default branch still seems to be working fine for me. I wasn’t able to load my last few saves after switching, but at least I can start a new airport now.

Hello Guys,

I have also the same problem :frowning:

Hi, We are working on the issue. Expect a hotfix within the next hour.


The issue has now been fixed on the experimental branch.