20+ medium gate airport, with GA on the side. Much lags

In response to @EG0611 and his CPU killer.

This is my v2 airport and a real killer. Have to run it windowed 1600 by 900 and fast graphics. The current save has baggage disabled as it grinds commercial to a standstill. From what i’ve noticed it can get upto 10k mb of ram and often restarts are required to fix problems. I doubt anyone can reach over 10 fps with this.
Computer specs
I7-4790k @4ghz
16gb ram
GTX 970
Link to save- https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aqfyh6JHlqmmh95IHTb_6HIym4voHw


Indeed a massive airport, my MacBook would burn it self out if I tried to load that. As soon as we get through the critical bugs and gameplay related issues we will start to look into optimization efforts as we have a lot we’d like to try out on this front (we’ll also be looking to get external help here). We’re currently awaiting some new and proper hardware so that we can thoroughly poll and profile these types of saves to see where it hurts but as of now none of us have the equipment to do that. Would still be happy though if you’d like to send the save in via the bug report and label it something with “lag” or “FPS”! :slight_smile:

Love your dedication. I hope you guys take a week or 2 before doing new features beyond the much wanted flight planner update to get some optimization done. Get a few more bugs smashed and improve the FPS on these bigger airports, then we will be ready for new stuff!


Ok will do.

24 commercial stands, 13 GA, know what you are experiencing.


Wow… :heart_eyes: