UI/Gameplay Improvements

While building my MGL airport I cane upon some quirks of the game that I found rather annoying. Maybe there might be some solutions?

Vehicle management screen/procurement screen
While a build menu is still active, one cannot buy or assign the bottom vehicles or buy items to be procured as the build menu overlays them. We need to rightclick first before opening finances or leave the menu close build tab and try again.
Possible solution: procurement screen or vehicle screen supersides build screens so all is shown. OR: previous menu is closed automatically.

There might be even a way of having a new item taking all jobs from another existing item unbinding the latter like building a desk elsewhere but taking all connections from the old to free the old one for demolition.
The larger the airport gets the more important it is to delegate vehicles and personal to stands. It could lead to the funny situation otherwise, that someone picks a job on the other side of the airport. The parking lots help a bit to cut the return times to depot but I would like to go a step further:
We could be able to assign stands to be serviced from this particular parking lot.
Example: in my MGL airport I have a parking lot near the east of the map servicing my medium stands. I assign 2 maverick fuel trailers to the parking lot. Now, by assigning multiple stands to this parking lot, I want to ensure, that the fuel trailers only service the medium stands at terminal B and the remote stands directly over them, thus in the direct vicinity. I do not want to have them drive to terminal A in the west, to serve small stands where I have other fuel cars. The failsafe of course is to assign each car to a certain stand, but this is overkill. I just want to make sure, that certain vehicles service certain areas and not others to prevent overlap or traffic congestions.

Same could be true for agents. If we would be able to connect staff rooms to items like stands, desks or security stations and decide, which staff is assigned to which staff room on a permanent base, we could have a word or two about who does what and where, so the AI does not need to guess all the time or personal does not idle around somewhere while needed elsewhere. I know, this increases micromanagement by a substantial amount, but we gain efficiency in return and prevent deadlocks because the AI cluttered around with our employees. The staff room would move from a recreational zone to a kind of sub-department being responsible for certain areas of the airport.

Another really annoying thing is that reconnecting anything is deadlocked with incoming flights so you have to be patient and quick to connect everything. Imagine what ‘fun’ this is, when you have
A) automated flight planner active and
B) your airport has grown to a decent size
C) some flights have been delayed in the meantime so waiting till the plane leaves does not work
and then want to add baggage services. You cannot count the many messages that state “cannot connect to baggage bay while there are active flights”. Same for reconnecting desks, stands and whatnot. That has to be done easier like closing the stand and delaying everything while reconnecting. The only limit has to be that there are no loose ends like flights without desks afterwards.

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Another really annoying thing is that reconnecting anything is deadlocked with incoming flights so you have to be patient and quick to connect everything. Imagine what ‘fun’ this is, when you have
A) automated flight planner active and
B) your airport has grown to a decent size
and then want to add baggage services. You cannot count the many messages that state “cannot connect to baggage bay while there are active flights”. Same for reconnecting desks, stands and whatnot. That has to be done easier like closing the stand and delaying everything while reconnecting. The only limit has to be that there are no loose ends like flights without desks afterwards.

Disable autoplanner, close all incoming runways at night. Then start closing all stands. Works the fatest if you ask me.

Another QoL improvement would be to be able to directly build vehicles for a certain stand or lot so it is directly assigned. Otherwise, we need to procure them, open vehicle tab and search the car, then assign to stand or lot.

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This needs to be overworked! First, separate the two things.

Buying cars should go in the vehicle menu and work like hiring/firing people.

Procurement of advancements (or the “tech tree” as someone called it) should be totally re-thinked. I don’t see why I should kind of “invent” conveyor belts, jet gas etc. Also, I don’t see why I need to hire someone (strategy director, procurement director) just and only for one reason to get something activated. Means, the whole executive committee should be cleaned up. There should be no position in there who has no job when running the airport. Also, they should have some parameters (strategy guidelines defined by the CEO) to steer them (as when to autorepair, controlling auto-planning)

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