This is an example drawing of alternative baggage bay. (I know I am not Picasso ) The point is, current baggage bay is HUGE in compare of small airport with only small stands. For example this was one of my test airport and yet baggage bay would be bigger than terminal:
Red line is deboarding baggages and green line is boarding baggages. This new baggage bay can be operated by 2,3, or Max 4 ramp agents. At least 1 ramp agent will work on either loading or unloading. Working principal is same as current bagggae bay. System allows to work with only 1 baggage truck on each time. Baggage truck approaches from 1 direction as seen in picture.
Compare to current baggage bay, this design has to be 1/4 smaller. So if current bagggae bay size is X, this new bagggae bay has a size of X/4.
User can try to build massive int. airport with these bays but he is responsible with delayed bags/flights and angry PAX. As you can see it is designed to be used with smal aircrafts with few baggages.
I will also post a feature suggestion via bug report system. So what do you think?