People stop moving after save and reload

I’ve noticed the problem on both Mac and PC. After reloading a saved game, all existing PAX and staff stop moving. Newer PAX from landing planes still move around. Vehicles still drive around. The entire airport grinds to a halt, as none of the staff assists with refueling or ramp services.

This has happened to me on two different computers on multiple save files. It started happening very recently. It renders the game unusable after hours of building the airport. Save and reloading does nothing.

Anyone else having the same issue?

Is this happening on the latest version of ACEO?

Yes as well planes getting stuck on the stand even though they clear for pushback

If it persists through a save and reload then it’s particularly interesting, but would need to take a look at the save in question.

Had an instance recently where staff started having path finding issues and for no reason were unable to either find a path to a job or to a staff room. A save and reload fixed it so I chalked it up to an anomaly. Several minutes after the reload, had an aircraft freeze on the runway which shut everything down. The only common denominator I could find was I had sped the game speed up to triple. Everything in the airport runs fine on normal speed but these issues pop up when its increased.

as you can see this plane wont move. It seems to be a patting issue. I have to reset plane paths every time before they move. Bug reported ACEO-23626

Alpha 34.6-0

Is there a way I can attach a save file for your reference?

I’ve been working on an airport for a few days now, and not saving it for the fear of this happening again. I had to save and reload today for some reason, and it happened again. None of the existing PAX and staff now move. They stand still. All the planes are grounded. The airport has come to a halt.

Having similar issues… Bug report 23838.

Latest experimental.

Bug reporting as done above is the best, however this is currently a very infrequent bug and even though it’s serious, completion of Alpha 35 has priority over it for the time being.

Thanks. So does that mean till 35 is released, my copy of the game is useless?

Hi @whiskeylover,

I have had airports in the past where all my staff acquired “Empty” job tasks after a save+reload, and everything would halt, as you describe. Doing another save+reload would usually fix it — that is, saving the “halted” airport, quitting the game, then reloading would cause job tasks to be regenerated.

  1. Can you check your staff job statuses?

Do you see “Empty” for all staff?

  1. Have you tried saving the halted airport and reloading it? I used to be afraid to save the broken state, but it seems to be necessary in order to regenerate tasks.

Edit: Here is my old thread: Staff “Empty” job task, airport stops functioning

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Not sure if it is only me but I find if I have an airport that I’ve loaded and saved dozens/hundreds of times (because I play them for a while) that it is pretty consistent that this bug happens. I can’t think of an airport that hasn’t done it for me.


Thanks. I’ll try saving and reloading and see if that helps. :confused:

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