[Solved] Passengers arriving issue

Hi there,
I am having issues with passengers arriving, and I know it is not a bug as I am running 8.1-4 and Only one of my terminals is affected. I’ve tried adding more transit structures etc and it hasn’t worked. Any ideas? The passengers end up arriving very late, just before check in closes.

I am not seeing any subway stations, do you have any of those?

There is one for each terminal

Perhaps it is something to do with the terminals - I didnt have this issue before building T2

One for each terminal is way too low for an airport of that size, due to the sheer number of pax simulated at that point you really need to rely on railway traffic for them to get there on time. I would advise on building multiple more per terminal.

Thanks for the advice :smile:


Since you also have heavy delays it’ll probably take some time before the backlog clears out too, just a heads up! :slight_smile:


We did find an issue in 8.1-4 in regards to passenger spawning, though, its causing very few passengers to spawn. Will be fixed tonight.

@Olof Great! I ended up switching back to 8.1-3 and my issue was solved straight away so this was probably the cause. No doubt the metro stations helped though :slight_smile: thanks for all your hard work in getting us this amazing game! Can’t wait for 1.0


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