My saved airport has vanished?

Hi all,

Need a little help, after playing this game for 27 hours, i have loaded into my saved game just now and it has vanished?

Not sure if it is to do with the update but i have restarted the laptop and game but it loads into some other CEO game and not mine.

really dont want to start again :frowning:

What OS are you on?

HI Olof

windows 10.

Can you file a bug report and include the saves so I can have a look at it?

Hi Olof,

I have submitted a report, hopefully you can fix it please

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Thank you, I will have a look.

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Hey again Jas, what was the name of your save or your report?


However I wouldn’t worry about it now I made a new airport lol however I have problem with passengers not moving which I willing check this forum for answers on hopefully

I’m having the same issue! :frowning:

Can you file a bug report and include the save? It will be able to help us uncover what went wrong in the saving or loading process.

You may have got around the issue but the issue is obviously there so it’d be quite helpful if you could answer Olof :wink:

Bug Report: ACEO-2603