My airport - KCI

Here is my airport, i placed it in Kansas City as that was the closest city the game would let me pick near my house. The concourse on the right is closed right now because it is too tedious to schedule the small flights every day. I probably should redo the baggage terminal for the middle and right concourses to streamline it. I get about 25 FPS at speed 1, and it drops to 9 or 10 at speed 3, teens at speed 2. This started on extreme mode and was just GA for a long while, finally made enough money to get rid of all the GA and go strictly commercial.


Looks like the airport needs TSA Precheck, these lines are crazy!

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How to make a giant screenshot?

Print Screen on your PC (WIndows 10)… or else use Snipping tool (Search in Start) in Win7.
or use Lightshot.

I used F12 in steam to take a screen, moved down and did again, then used MS paint to copy and paste on and stitched them together as close as i could.

Another one airport without GA at all.
Seems to be strange. :slight_smile:
Basically you cannot build such airport on extreme level (with start 250k) If you have no GA at all.

I did start with only GA, for at leaat 10 game days I ended with 15 GA stands, but never had more than 9 parked at a time. I slowly transitioned to commercial on small stands, then when I got medium stands i removed GA entirely.

I have 20 GA stands, since yesterday I have at least 15 occupied during the day, even had a 100% occupancy sometimes.

I never got above 9, wondered if there was a global max but maybe there are other factors like GA satisfaction geographic location, airport size, or other factors. Good to know you can get more.

I am going to do an experiment this afternoon. I want to expand to the left side of the map to add an extra taxiway and maybe also expand right to make the small stands medium. I will need to edit the safe file to unlock those tiles. I have been getting 15 FPS or so at 1 speed zoomed out, so I think I might be able to pull this off with the new optimizations in the last patch and not grind my system to a halt. I will post results as I get them. Probably need to shut down the airport a day or 2 and sign a new contractor with more peeps before this massive rebuild starts. I recently jacked up my rates on parking fees, landing fees, and PAX handling fees so the money is flowing :smiley:

I unlocked all tiles and then redesigned much of the taxiway system, and extended concourses A and B, and removed some of C. Current issue is an apparent bug with passengers checking into the wrong concourse. Security needs to take their time and look at boarding passes. Air Strada passengers in the Maple and Skylink concourse? Try again.

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