[Mod] AirportCEOTweaks 2.4.0: Mod Loader Support!

You shouldn’t have to, though there may be some schedule weirdness when you first switch over. I’d recommend using the F10 menu to cancel all flights if the schedule issues are too much to work through manually.

It’s finally here! Haha. This is only the second version of this mod that I have ever used but I’ve been weirdly anticipating it. Thank you!

Would you be able to provide a non-workshop download link to the ACEO Tweaks Aircraft Pack for GOG players?

And if you don’t mind a couple questions, would the default airlines automatically have the additional aircraft in their fleets? Or is this only restricted to what custom airline modders set to their mods?

As for the turnaround time, I know this won’t be realistic and possibly I’m the only one who would want this but I’ll just try asking anyway, would it be possible to add a setting that makes it so it triggers pushback as soon as all services are done? Maybe making it opt-in so it won’t bother most players who wouldn’t want it.

I’m only asking because I’m playing on a modified map size that’s probably like 4x the size of a fully unlocked vanilla map and even with what I think is an optimal layout, it does take some aircraft 30-90 minutes to go from their stand>de-icing>departure runway despite sitting on the stand for up to 2 hours just waiting for pushback to start.

Thank you again for this!

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I’m on mobile all weekend, but I’ll get you a manual link when I’m home Monday.

Default airlines will not have the new aircraft.

Depart asap is actually the default and with this update pax flights return to it.

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I’m on mobile all weekend, but I’ll get you a manual link when I’m home Monday.

Thank you and please don’t rush on my account. :slight_smile:

Default airlines will not have the new aircraft.

Ah, thanks for the clarification. Looks like I may have to download airline mods after all. Haha.

Depart asap is actually the default and with this update pax flights return to it.

Oh, just to clarify, vanilla is depart asap, 2.2.0 has the 15 minute trigger before departure. and 2.3.0 is back to depart asap?

Awesome! Maybe the few flights I observed when checking your update were still on 2.2.0 time haha. I’ll check them out again but this is awesome news. Thank you!

Correct. The 2.2.0 logic only remains for the cargo feature. For passenger flights it caused delays. Specially when you worked with remote stands.


@Olof if I were hypothetically developing a feature that allowed mods to add aircraft to existing airline contracts, would apog approve of recreating vanilla liveries on the new aircraft types?


Thanks for confirming as I haven’t had the chance to re-test it yet. :slight_smile:

For those who use my SAS mod and the 2.3.0 Tweaks with realistic destinations:
May you need to re-accept the contract after Steam provided you the latest update.
The airline operates now finally from their 3 base countries Denmark, Norway and Sweden.

Other mods which operate from multiple countries will get that update soon.

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Awesome! Can’t wait to try that! See what flights I get offered!
Another question about the A318 for Air France, I also made my own version in the mods folder. Moved everything over but when I hade it landed the Horizontal Stabilizers where missing? I suspect I did something wrong. I did not try the default one tho.

I have a similar issue with the B753 but only on my large XXL map. If I play it at a smaller airport, everything works well. I think the numbers of mods and different json files may confuse the savegame.
Does it work for you on a smaller map?

Anyway, the A318 from AF uses the old Tweak logic. It’s based on the A319 and not a brand new plane. That’s something I have to change in the next days/weeks.

Regarding SAS: If your map is within those 3 countries, you won’t notice a difference. They will still operate to everywhere.

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Cool thanks! I do play in CPH so. And I only play on normal map size. So the A318 issue might be because of the old logic? The A319 looked normal when it landed so.

Should not affect, old logic still available for new wings for example, but will test it out too

I am not sure what causes that issue. Too big traffic in the savegame or too many active contracts.

I did start a new game, so I have not gotten that far yet to see if the issue still persists.

I can’t test, don’t have such a big airport…

But you can now test the new logic, i updated my A318 Mods to it:

Avianca (Ceased Subsidaries)
Avianca Retro
BA - Reitred Fleed
Universal Entertainment Corporation

And A319neo, A320neo, A321neo and A321XLR on
Líneas Aéreas de Guatemala (Fictional)

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I just get around to handle medium jets. Also regarding the baggage satisfaction bug, I got this. All my baggage is set up correctly and I just had my first flight land. But It immediately says baggage failed?

Looks like this after the flight has turn around. Very interesting :stuck_out_tongue:

So far only that flight, Could be a one time thing. It was the first flight for that part of the airport, so all new systems and baggage setup.

My suspicion is that when the aircraft spawned baggage handling was not enabled in the operations tab. This will trigger the fail event. Once that event is triggered you can’t “unfail”. This is intended behavior; the over simplification is a trade off for avoiding stickier bug potential.

Sounds about right! I think I just enabled it when the flight was “en-route” So that makes sense. :slight_smile:

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