[Mod] AirportCEOTweaks 2.4.0: Mod Loader Support!

Status Report

Everything All At Once

In the past few days I have returned from a week long working trip helping a friend on a nearby island, started company doing boat repair with a different friend, bid my first real contract job, got that job, got insurance as a contractor, and spent half my remaining savings on tools and materials for this job. I also have a second round interview tomorrow for an actual engineering job. Don’t ask me how these two career paths coexist I have not gotten that far.

So I’m a tad busy.

Since my last post, I’ve become aware of the following bugs:

  • The re-scale feature that is supposed to be inactive is not, and its re-scaling aircraft non-uniformly.
  • Loading a different save without closing ACEO may or may not break tweaks airline fleets.

@the_aceo_ats_dude - I need more information. Scroll up to post 340; I explain what I need there.

@craigwats - I decided a while ago to not touch/ “fix” anything vaguely related to geopolitics given the current state of the world. I realize that the Cyprus example isn’t nearly as sensitive as some other unfortunate world situations, but I don’t want to be the one to figure out where that line is. I think that @andyc 's solution is satisfactory for your case anyways?


It seems like I’m not getting any flights with “tweaked” aircraft such as the E2s, even though i have the mod installed, and I use compatible airlines.

edit: as you might have guessed, I didn’t install the aircrafts mod from the workshop. However, now that I installed the mod, the game crashes on every startup. What could cause the issue?

How it is crashing? Can you send player.log to identify what mod it may be?

So after a restart it seems to be working fine. no idea what went wrong, but everything appears to be running fine. Only issue is that I still don’t get any flights with the tweaked aircraft. I did confirm that they loaded successfully by spawning some in the F10 menu. Are they supposed to have their own name in the game or the name of the aircraft they are based on?

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Witch tweaks version you have installed? Latest 2.3.0 is minium required for new aircraft… before it was a enhanced look-a-like… Do you see them in the contracts? Witch mod anyway?

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I believe i have the latest version installed. And I use mods like KLM Cityhopper and Helvetic airways, and even though they both operate E2s i only see E170s and E190s in the contracts. i also have Wideroe, which also operates E2s, but then I only get Q200 flights.

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Did you use a save where the contract was active? You need to cancel it then…
Helvetic will operate only E190s now when tweaks is inactive…

When the Q200 shows up as Q200, then the E290 should work too. :confused:
It was in the same update.

Wideroe is working, i got all planes…

Large update to the aircraft pack thanks to @dawed


  • 727-100
  • 747 Family
  • A330 Neo Family
  • Embraer ERJ Family
  • Various freighter variants

Detailed aircraft list as of May 11


Aircraft Pack For Use With ACEO Tweaks

New Types

  • B727-200
    • -200
    • -200 Advanced
    • -200 F
  • B727-100

New Variants

  • A318
  • A32X NEO Family
    • A319 Neo
    • A320 Neo
    • A321 Neo
    • A321 LR
    • A321 XLR
  • A330 NEO Family
    • A330-800
    • A330-900
  • B737 MAX Family
    • MAX 7
    • MAX 8
    • MAX 200
    • MAX 9
    • MAX 10
  • B737 NG Family
    • -700
    • -700F
    • -800BCF
    • -900
    • -900ER
  • B747 Family
    • -100
    • -200B
    • -200C
    • -200M
    • -200F
    • -300
    • -300M
    • -300SR
    • -SP
    • -8i
    • -8f
  • Challenger 600 Series
    • 601
    • 604
    • 605
    • 650
  • CRJ Family
    • CRJ 900
    • CRJ 705 (its a 900 variant)
    • CRJ 1000
  • Embraer ERJ Family
    • ERJ 135
    • Legacy 600
    • ERJ 140
    • ERJ 145
    • ERJ 145XR
  • Embraer E2 Family
    • E190-E2
    • E195-E2
  • Dash8 Family
    • Q100
    • Q200

Updates/Additions Without Visual Changes

If you are mod author and want to see something here please do let me know; the non-visual variants are pretty quick

  • 1900D
  • A330-200
    • -200F
  • B377
  • B707-320
  • B737-600
  • B737-800
    • -800
    • -800BCF
  • B747-400
    • -400M
    • -400D
    • -400F
  • B757-200
    • -200
    • -200M
    • -200F
  • B777-200LR
    • B777F
  • Baron 58
  • Cessna 182
  • Cessna 208
  • Comet4
  • CRJ 200
    • CRJ 100
    • CRJ 200
    • CRJ 440
  • CRJ 700
  • DC 3
    • DC 3
    • -combi
    • -cargo
    • Li 2
  • DHC6
  • Ford Trimotor
  • L1049
  • LJ75
  • MD80
    • “MD80” interpreted as MD83
    • MD81
    • MD82
    • MD83
    • MD88
    • MD80 Freighter Conversion, again interpreted as MD83
  • MD11
  • PA28
  • Piper Cub
  • PC12
  • PC24
  • SAAB340
  • SF50
  • VC10
  • WT9


No action is necessary for those subscribed on steam. Those who have downloaded manually in the past should download the repository as zip file from the github link.

Aircraft scale issues are known and will be resolved in an update to ACEO Tweaks


A330Neos are here too as Highlight :grinning: thanks to @Rubble for the wings


2.3.2 - The Size Patch

  • Finished implementing the previously incomplete aircraft re-scaling system that snuck into the last update.
    • Tweaks aircraft pack updated to leverage this.
  • Better logging of some errors that have been reported to me; hopefully helping me resolve them eventually.
  • Credit @humoresque - added a button to the F10 menu to open the log file location.

Correct scaling requires an update to both the aircraft pack and ACEO tweaks

The 767-200 will become a large aircraft when the aircraft pack update is installed.

Previously scheduled 767-200 flights on medium stands will operate, but its a little messy (eg they request the large push-back truck and ULDs, they might overrun the runway :stuck_out_tongue: ). My recommendation is to cancel all 767-200 flights until rescheduling them as large aircraft.


B767-400 is available now :partying_face:


767-200 was meant to be a Medium, the 300 was the large.

I know it was a squeeze, but it gave the way for wide body aircraft before large stands.

I am paving for a new on-ramp…


Length vs Wing Span

Stand C+ is the current medium; stand D will become available with the medium aircraft research. None of this is final of course :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Morning, If I want to make an own version of an airline, Let’s say I want the current and retired fleet in one contract. Then I would just copy those planes over to the current contract with Notepad++. Is this still the case the only new step is that do the same thing to the Tweaks-list that is under Fleet? Ofc first checking so that planes has a tweak.

Yes correct, it is only seperated with a second fleet field

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Hey Guys,

Firstly, thank you for the overhaul of this game. It has brought this game to life!

Secondly, not too sure what I have done but I have followed all instructions to the letter yet the new A320NEO option appears blank with just the wings present. I haven’t seen if other models are the same at this stage.

Not too sure if this is a known issue or just something that I have done wrong.

Thanks again!

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Is it blank when spawned in F10 Debug Menu or on a Mod too? And all NEOs or only A320?

When modded planes appear blank, then you have the image compression on in the game settings. Some graphics cards seem to have issues with that setting.