Medium Airport Bootup + Non-Queue entrance experiment

Current +1 floor, I grouped check in desks to have a visual counts, groups of 8.

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Current +2, lot of shops and international passport check, connected to 2 wings.

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Current -1, see the queue is still existent, the road system cannot handle traffic decently at all.

Neatly sorted trucks, which have to be resorted at each order from procurement. The new drag and drop to sort is very nice though!


Watching bags, when it works, is nice though :smiley:

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Seems everything works

Why is de-icing calculated in the oil ratio, when you do not have de-icing? I lowered prices and have lots of vehicles, so, thats the only thing I can think of that is influencing that issue.

However, since I watch the values a bit now, it seems that he satisfaction is not based on a rolling average, but on a almost instant calculation, very weird.

Of-course that issue still persists in the cash flow number on the HUD too.

Also, we cannot zoom into airline satisfaction statistics, so, you have no idea what is influencing the number under the hood.


Very nice that baggage claims can be in Secure space now.

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Reload gridlock, and just like RL drivers, not all lanes are utilized :wink:


Big stands inbound, lol, a bit of a building queue :wink:

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Large stands ready for planes.

How is it, that flights are assigned, when you have no runways allowed for the planetype?

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Highest ever I think; it seems that de-icing is not the problem in Fuel statistics, but Large Stands.


Wow, I never achieved 91%. It’s a shame that using gate seating makes the terminal quality drop to 25%. When I use good armchairs (which are cheaper than gate seating), the rating is at 50%. I hope it will be adjusted soon.


Current ground floor.

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Color things up a bit!! And decorate! :wink: :wink: :smiley:

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As a min-maxer, I am not really the “decorate” guy :wink:

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That works to!! Everyone does things differently! :wink: