Was running AirportCEO through night and shutdown seemingly fine.
Steam wanted to do update - presumably to V0.21.11, which is abandoned until later.
However, Steam also thinks that AirportCEO is still running. Windows Task Manager disagrees.
Steam cannot verify the integrity of the installation or shutdown.
Any suggestions? Cannot restart computer sorry.
have you sorted this?
if not close steam.
check application manage CTRL SHIFT ESC and goto advance ( or more details ) and double check its def not running.
then re-open steam let it do its thing then try again.
hope i helped?
Thanks, yes it sorted by Force Exit Steam (that caused another issue with another game that was also updating a mod as it happened at the time).
After Steam restarted the game needed to be re-synch.
This is common enough issue for steam updating.
One improvement I can see is publishing the correct current Steam Content Build ID - v0.21.11 today is 2172529
I wasn’t able to find out yesterday IF I had the correct version of V0.21.10, after 11 was pulled.
Was v0.21.10 reverted or replaced with new ID? Didn’t know. Steam sorted it out, of course.
It’s all good - sorry I tried to post this hours ago but the forum stopped me to due to newcomer limits.
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