In game company mods

@Fredrik this is amazing and will be very useful. Thank you so much but I have 2 questions;

  1. What does “business class” and “business type” means and what their values mean?
  2. Could you share json files of airlines too? :slight_smile:

Will do! :slight_smile:

Business Class:
0 = Cheap
1 = Small
2 = Medium
3 = Big
4 = Exclusive

Business Types:
0 = All (Do not use)
1 = Contractor
2 = AviationFuelSupplier
3 = Bank
4 = Airline
5 = Franchise

Airline does not exist yet as we have not finalized how modding of airline will work. It is a bit more complex than businesses.


So each business gets his own folder, with 1 json file and 1 png file?
And each product also gets its own folder, also with 1 json and 1 png file?
I reckon the franchisetypes are “Shop” and “Restaurant”?

You give us a finger… :smiley:

By the way, does every save get a copy of these configs? I can imagine that you don’t want 1000 businesses from all over the world in your game when you want a European game, but you don’t want to disable / enable businesses when you also want an Indian game.

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Yes, json and png file required. Will check how we setup the franchise types.

No, each game installation gets a setup of the vanilla businesses. You can simply then add your own. Later we will see how this can work with Steam workshop but it is not priority right now.


Fredrik I have another question, can regular players reach .json files under steam/steamaps/airportceo folder? Or base files will be locked and only developers can access to it?

They couldnt do that if they wanted to :slight_smile:

You can reach the files no problem

Actually they could do. For example in ETS2, you can access to a certain level of in-game files by only using “SCSextractor.exe” file extractor by SCS software and yet you cannot access to core files.

Sounds to me like the ETS2 files are not simple text files.

For ACEO they are simple text files.

Correct but you got my point, Devs can lock files by even a passworded .rar file.

Then how will your computer be able to read those files? :stuck_out_tongue:

He’s not wrong. The game will know the password of course, it is possible to do.

It’s just a (imo) bad move :slight_smile:

Luckily ACEO will have simple text files, so no problems there


All the png and json files for businesses will be accessible in the file structure. So you can delete them if you want to only use your own.

So this would work


“CEOName”:“Steve Easterbrook”,




I think that should work. Country is a nice feature, maybe will consider adding that. I think colors need to be between 0-1, or maybe I can change that to the byte system. Will check if that works later because that is easier to convert.

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Oh, if you want between 0.0 and 1.0, i can arrange that :slight_smile:
And the country is for myself, so if a player wants to play a Swedish airport, he can choose to only have swedish / global shops

Edit: Like this?


I save the color values internally as a hex code, to make it easier to edit :slight_smile:
My config file:

<ACEOMM Version="0.1">
<Product Name="Hamburger" Price="0" LogoPath="" Color="#FF796615" />
<Product Name="Newspaper" Price="0" LogoPath="" Color="#FFFFFFFF" />
<Product Name="Sandwich" Price="0" LogoPath="" Color="#FFFFFFFF" />
<Product Name="Coffee" Price="0" LogoPath="" Color="#FFFFFFFF" />
<Product Name="Chicken" Price="0" LogoPath="" Color="#FFFFFFFF" />
<Product Name="Pizza" Price="0" LogoPath="" Color="#FFFFFFFF" />
<Product Name="Donut" Price="0" LogoPath="" Color="#FFFFFFFF" />
<Product Name="Ice cream" Price="0" LogoPath="" Color="#FFFFFFFF" />
<Product Name="Tacos" Price="0" LogoPath="" Color="#FFFFFFFF" />
<Product Name="Fruit Drink" Price="0" LogoPath="" Color="#FFFFFFFF" />
<Business Name="McDonalds" Description="" Country="Global" CEO="Steve Easterbrook" Class="Big" Type="Franchise" FranchiseType="Restaurant">
<Business Name="Subway" Description="" Country="Global" CEO="Suzanne Greco" Class="Big" Type="Franchise" FranchiseType="Restaurant">
<Business Name="Starbucks" Description="" Country="Global" CEO="Kevin Johnson" Class="Big" Type="Franchise" FranchiseType="Restaurant">
<Business Name="KFC" Description="" Country="Global" CEO="Greg Creed" Class="Big" Type="Franchise" FranchiseType="Restaurant">
<Business Name="Burger King" Description="" Country="Global" CEO="Daniel Schwartz" Class="Big" Type="Franchise" FranchiseType="Restaurant">
<Business Name="Pizza Hut" Description="" Country="Global" CEO="David Gibbs" Class="Big" Type="Franchise" FranchiseType="Restaurant">
<Business Name="Dunkin'Donuts" Description="" Country="Global" CEO="Nigel Travis" Class="Big" Type="Franchise" FranchiseType="Restaurant">
<Business Name="Domino's Pizza" Description="" Country="Global" CEO="J. patrick Doyle" Class="Big" Type="Franchise" FranchiseType="Restaurant">
<Business Name="Baskin-Robbins" Description="" Country="Global" CEO="Nigel Travis" Class="Big" Type="Franchise" FranchiseType="Restaurant">
    <Product>Ice cream</Product>
<Business Name="Hunt Brothers Pizza" Description="" Country="US" CEO="Don, Charlie, Jim &amp; Donnie Hunt" Class="Big" Type="Franchise" FranchiseType="Restaurant">
<Business Name="Taco Bell" Description="" Country="US" CEO="Brian Niccol" Class="Big" Type="Franchise" FranchiseType="Restaurant">
<Business Name="Wendy's" Description="" Country="Global" CEO="Emil Brolick" Class="Big" Type="Franchise" FranchiseType="Restaurant">
<Business Name="Hardee's" Description="" Country="US" CEO="Andrew Puzder" Class="Big" Type="Franchise" FranchiseType="Restaurant">
<Business Name="Orange Julius" Description="" Country="Global" CEO="" Class="Big" Type="Franchise" FranchiseType="Restaurant">
    <Product>Fruit Drink</Product>
<Business Name="Dairy Queen" Description="" Country="Global" CEO="John Gainor" Class="Big" Type="Franchise" FranchiseType="Restaurant">
    <Product>Ice cream</Product>
<Business Name="Little Caesars" Description="" Country="Global" CEO="David Scrivano" Class="Big" Type="Franchise" FranchiseType="Restaurant">
<Business Name="Papa John's Pizza" Description="" Country="US" CEO="John Schnatter" Class="Big" Type="Franchise" FranchiseType="Restaurant">
<Business Name="Tim Hortons" Description="" Country="CA" CEO="Daniel Schwartz" Class="Big" Type="Franchise" FranchiseType="Restaurant">
<Business Name="CNHLS" Description="" Country="CN" CEO="" Class="Big" Type="Franchise" FranchiseType="Restaurant">
<Business Name="Sibylla" Description="" Country="SE" CEO="" Class="Big" Type="Franchise" FranchiseType="Restaurant">

This way i can change the export if needed without having to redo the data


Share that piece of program once u finish it. Coz I skipped everything what Fredrik has said.

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It’s something i whipped up in the last 2 hours, so it’s definitely not ready for the wild.

If i have time i will continue to work on it.
Depending on what more information i can pry out of Fredrik, i might add airlines and such :slight_smile:

Closing this. If you have more ideas, add them here: