GA aircraft modding

as we know aircraft modding will be there in beta, which is logical.But… I have an idea: what if the devs implement GA aircraft modding first. this would be way simpler since livery support isn’t needed. I suggest the following process:

All GA aircraft are saved in a .json file in the following form: {Name: “Cessna182”, Liveries: {"(insert png file name here)", “(insert png file name here”)}, Range: 2000, MaxPax: 5, EngineType: “Piston”}

At game load, this file is loaded and read and using resources.find(), the appropriate images are found. using the engine type, a default sound is chosen.

when a ga flight is initiated, a random GA plane is selected from the list of GA planes, the appropriate sprite is found and the plane is spawned.

one note: the lights of the aircraft aren’t taken into consideration here, and since they are set manually atm I can’t include it yet in this plan

another note: I’m by no means a professional developer, I’m just sharing what I know and think how something should be made

Thanks for reading through all of this

I would put the liveries under airlines, not aircraft.
Have a ‘None’ airlines for the GA liveries. Or the aircraft can override the airline livery, making it possible to have 1 of a kind aircraft

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