Emergency Airport II - TSH

There should be an option in steam. And sorry to hear that. Would you like some tea? :tea: :ice_cube:

I loaded in wayyyyyyy back and still got a False flag.

Loading takes 5 minutes or something.

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I dont know, I will record in the most advanced build, but I really dont get the false flag issue. :frowning:

Oh, if I load another game entirely, it lists false too :grimacing:

But if I start a new game, its listed as true. How weird is this!

And then I releasize they are both started in older versions, maybe thats it?

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Made a video tour, its uploading now, says 3 hours at this moment :wink:

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Ther we go :smiley:

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Cool video! Savegame please? :slightly_smiling_face:


Savegame. I disabled night flights very recently.